New Entities in the Name Tree

This tutorial shows how to add new entities to the name tree using a language extension to Basic Storm. This is not the only way to add entities to the name tree. It is also possible to create a new language that produces custom entities. This allows having a separate file-type that specifies the new entities. See the tutorial on creating new languages for how to produce entities this way.

In this tutorial we will be adding a very simple new type of entity, a note that contains a title and a body. The goal is to be able to define notes at the top-level in Basic Storm, and to be able to access them from the name tree. It is worth noting that the fact that we are adding notes to the name tree is not the important part of this tutorial. The focus is on the mechanisms used to get new things into the name tree. Using something simple, like a note, makes it easier to focus on the relevant parts.

As with the other tutorials, the code produced by this tutorial is available in root/tutorials/entities. You can run it by typing tutorials:entities:main in Storm's top-loop.


First, we need somewhere to work. Create an empty directory somewhere on your system. This tutorial assumes you use the name entities, but the name does not matter too much as long as the name is usable as a package name in Basic Storm. If you use a different name, you will have to modify the use statement in the example file.

Inside the directory, create a file named, and add the following contents to it. This is a test program that illustrates the goal with the tutorial:

use entities:notes;
use lang:bs:macro;

note MyNote {
    My Example Note

    It can contain multiple
    lines of text in the body

void main() {

Also create a subdirectory called notes. Since we are working with syntax, it is a good idea to define the syntax in a separate package from where the grammar is used. As such, we will implement the syntax in the notes directory. Create two files inside the notes directory: and notes.bnf. This is where we will implement the semantics and syntax respectively.

Finally, open a terminal and change into the first directory you created (where you created This makes it possible to run the example by typing:

storm .

A Class for Notes

The first step is to create a class that represents the data we wish to add to the name tree. To keep things simple, we consider a note to consist of a title and a body, both of which are strings. We can store them in the class Note that we define in the file as follows:

class Note {
    // Title of the note.
    Str title;

    // The body text of the note.
    Str body;

    // Create.
    init(Str title, Str body) {
        init() {
            title = title;
            body = body.removeIndentation();

    // To string:
    void toS(StrBuf to) : override {
        to << title << "\n\n";
        to << body;

The Named Entity

Since the class Note does not inherit from Named, it can not be added directly to the name tree. While it is possible to make the Note class inherit from Named directly, doing so makes it into an actor that needs to run on the Compiler thread. In cases where this is not a problem, or even desirable, the class Note can be converted to inherit from Named. In this tutorial we will, however, keep the entity separate from the data in order to allow the Note to be inspected without thread switches.

Since a named entity is nothing more than an actor that inherits from the Named actor, we can simply define a new actor in the file as follows:

use core:lang;

class NoteEntity extends Named {
    // The Note stored in the entity.
    Note note;

    // Create.
    init(SrcPos pos, Str name, Note note) {
        init(pos, name) {
            note = note;

As we can see, the Named constructor requires a source location that tells it where it was defined, and the name of the entity. The pos parameter is technically optional, but without it modifiers such as private will not work properly, so it is a good idea to provide it whenever possible.

Defining the Grammar

After we have defined our Note type and the corresponding entity, it is time to define the grammar for defining notes in Basic Storm. Since we will extend the Basic Storm language, we start by specifying that we wish to use the delimiters from Basic Storm:


optional delimiter = SDelimiter;
required delimiter = SRequiredDelimiter;

After that, we can start implementing the actual grammar. Basic Storm uses the rule SPlainFileItem for any declarations that may appear on the top-level in a file. Since we wish to declare our notes at this level, we start by extending that rule:

SPlainFileItem : "note" #keyword ~ SName name #typeName, "{", SNote note, "}";

Note that the required delimiter is used between the keyword note and the name of the note. Without it, the grammar would match noted as note d, which does not follow the expectations of the users of our library.

Matching a note is delegated to the SNote rule that can be implemented as follows:

Note SNote();
SNote => makeNote(title, body)
  : "[^} \n\t][^{}\n]*" title - "\n" - "[ \t]*\n" - "[^{}]*" body;

The SNote rule first matches a single line with text and binds the matched text to the variable title. After that it expects a newline, followed by a blank line. Finally, it matches any remaining content before the closing bracket. To avoid confusion, we also exclude a nested opening bracket. Otherwise, notes like the one below would confusingly enough be acceptable:

note ConfusingNote {


If you are interested in allowing nested pairs of brackets inside the note syntax, have a look at the SSkipBlock rule in the Basic Storm grammar in root/lang/bs/syntax.bnf for inspiration.

In the production to SNote above, we also use the transform function to create the node in the grammar by calling makeNote. This function is implemented in as follows:

Note makeNote(Str title, Str body) {
    Note(title, body.removeIndentation());

The reason why we call makeNote instead of calling the constructor directly is to be able to call removeIndentation on the body to remove leading whitespace on all lines.

Adding the Entity to the Name Tree

At this point, we have a grammar that is able to parse our extension, but not much more. If we run the program at this point, we will get an error similar to the one below:

@/home/storm/entities/notes/notes.bnf(195-272): Syntax error:
No return value specified for a production that does not return 'void'.

This means that Basic Storm was able to parse our code properly, but it failed to transform the parse tree into an abstract syntax tree, since we have not specified a transform function for the SPlainFileItem production we created.

To understand what the production is supposed to return, we need to understand Basic Storm's loading process in a bit more detail. Basic Storm first parses the entire source file into a parse tree. After doing that, it transforms the topmost levels of the parse tree into an abstract syntax tree. At this stage, Basic Storm has a collection of top-level constructs that should be inserted in the name tree at some point. However, since some entities depend on other entities from the same or other files in the same package (e.g. function parameters), it needs to take some care with the order in which the entities are created. For this reason it first represents the entities as NamedDecl actors. As such, we need to create a NamedDecl subclass to follow this convention. The implementation needs a constructor that stores the relevant information. It also needs to override the function doCreate to actually create the entity (there is also a function called doResolve if names need to be resolved relative other entities in the same package).

class NoteDecl extends lang:bs:NamedDecl {
    SStr name;
    Note note;

    init(SStr name, Note note) {
        init {
            name = name;
            note = note;

    protected Named doCreate() : override {
        NoteEntity(name.pos, name.v, note);

With the class defined, we can now add the transform function to the production as follows:

SPlainFileItem => NoteDecl(name, note)
  : "note" #keyword ~ SName name #typeName, "{", SNote note, "}";

At this point, we can run the program and observe that it actually works as expected. We can now use Named to retrieve the NoteEntity entity we inserted in the name tree, and inspect it as any other entity.

Convenient Access

Since the NoteEntity entity is a completely new entity, most languages in Storm will not know how to handle it. For example, if we change the main function in into the following:

void main() {

We will get the following error message:

@/home/storm/root/tutorials/entities/ Type error:
entities.MyNote refers to a entities.notes.NoteEntity. This type is not natively
supported in Basic Storm, and can therefore not be used without custom syntax.
Only functions, variables, and constructors can be used in this manner.

As we can see, Basic Storm found the entity, but does not know how to do anything useful with it. One way to achieve this would be to modify Basic Storm to teach it what to do with a NoteEntity. Another, easier way is to implement our NoteEntity in terms of other named entities that other languages already understand. In our case, we wish to make it convenient to get access to the contained Note object. As such, we can chose to implement the entity as a function that returns the Note.

To do this, we update our NoteEntry actor to inherit from Function instead of Named. To do this, we must also supply a return type and parameter types to the parent constructor:

use lang:bs:macro;

class NoteEntity extends Function {
    // The note stored in the entity.
    Note note;

    // Create.
    init(SrcPos pos, Str name, Note note) {
        init(pos, named{Note}, name, []) {
            note = note;

If we run the program now, we will observe that Storm crashes. This is because we have defined a function, but we have not yet specified the body of the function. Internally, this means that the function points to address 0, which causes the crash.

To supply a behavior, we need to call setCode with a suitable subclass to core.lang.Code. In this case, core.lang.DynamicCode suits our needs, as it supports converting a core.asm.Listing into machine code that can be executed later on. We could also use core.lang.LazyCode to generate the function body lazily. This is, however, not necessary in this case as the function we will generate is very short and simple.

Before generating code, we must briefly consider the threading model of Storm. Since the goal of the function is to return a pointer to the Note that is stored inside the NoteEntity. Furthermore, the Node type is a class, which means that it should not be possible for different OS thread to have a reference to the same instance of it. Since we are working at a low level, we need to make sure that we uphold this property. Since the function we are about to create is not associated to a particular thread, simply returning the Note would violate this rule. We have two options to avoid violating the rule:

  1. Associate the function with some thread (e.g. the Compiler thread). This means that calls to the function that originate from different OS threads will have to send a message to the designated thread. This process involves copying the result returned from the function to avoid shared data.
  2. We can simply copy the result ourselves before returning it. While this means that different threads technically have access to the same data concurrently, it is not an issue since all threads are reading from the shared data (assuming, of course, that the note in the NoteEntity is not used to do so). Since this avoids messaging between threads, we take this approach in this tutorial. We can avoid the assumption of "no modifications through the note variable" by copying the note before storing a reference to it in the generated machine code.

With this in mind, we can generate the required code as follows:

use lang:bs:macro;

class NoteEntity extends Function {
    // The note stored in the entity.
    Note note;

    // Create.
    init(SrcPos pos, Str name, Note note) {
        init(pos, named{Note}, name, []) {
            note = note;

        Listing l(false, ptrDesc);
        l << prolog();
        l << fnParam(ptrDesc, objPtr(note));
        l << fnCall(named{clone<Note>}.ref, false, ptrDesc, ptrA);
        l << fnRet(ptrA);


The parameters to the Listing consttructor indicates that we are not generating a member function, and that the function returns a pointer to something. Next, we add the function prolog which sets up a stack frame for the function.

After the prolog, we are ready to call the clone(Note) function that Storm automatically generates for us. We start by emitting the fnParam instruction to specify the parameter to the function. Here, we specify that we will pass a pointer parameter to the function, and that the parameter's value is a pointer to the object we have in note. This operation copies the pointer in the variable note, rather than creating a reference to the variable. This means that if we wish to have an extra layer of protection against accidental modifications of shared data, we could simply make a copy of the contents of the note variable before storing it in the machine code. We do this by replacing objPtr(note) with objPtr(clone(note)).

After specifying the parameter, we emit the actual function call using the fnCall instruction. The parameters to this instruction are as follows. The first parameter is a reference to the function to call. In our case, we get the entity for the clone(Note) function using named{clone<Note>}, and call the ref function to get the reference. The second parameter is false since the clone function is not a member function. The third parameter specifies that the function returns a pointer. The fourth parameter then specifies that the return value of the function should be stored in the register ptrA.

After calling the function we conclude the function by returning the value in ptrA using the fnRet operation.

With these additions, we can run the program, and now it is possible to use both print(MyNote.toS) and print(named{MyNote}.note.toS) to acquire our note. The benefit of using a function in this manner is that it has a high likelihood of being future-proof as well, since most languages will likely understand the Function entity in Storm. This is the same approach that the Syntax Language uses to be able to interface with Basic Storm even though Basic Storm is unaware of rules and productions. Since the Rule and Production entities inherit from the Type entity, they appear as regular types to Basic Storm, just as the NoteEntity appears as a Function to Basic Storm in this tutorial.