
The UI library also provides the ability render 2D graphics using hardware acceleration. In order to avoid blocking the ui.Ui thread with reandering (and to allow smooth animations while dragging windows in Windows), all rendering happens on the thread ui.Render. As such, rendering needs to be implemented in a separate actor, which the UI library calls ui.Painter.


To draw in a window, it is necessary to subclass a ui.Painter class, and override the render function. The painter can then be attached to a window by calling the painter(Painter) member (or assigning to the painter member). This causes the system to call the render member whenever the window needs to be repainted. It is also possible to schedule repaints by either returning true from the render function, or by manually calling repaint in either the Painter or in the Window. The most reliable way to render animated content is to return true from the render function.

The Painter class has the following members:


The render function of the Painter receives a ui.Graphics instance. This instance is only usable inside the render function, and provides the ability to draw to the window. The Graphics class provides a rich set of graphic operations, including drawing text, pictures, polygons, etc. It also supports applying 2D transforms to all drawing operations, clipping, and transparency.

To make it easier to write composable drawing operations, the Graphics class maintains some internal state that can be saved and restored on a stack. This state consists of the current transform, the current layer's opacity, the current clipping region, and the current line width. Furthermore, these values are manipulated in relation to the previously saved state. This means that code that manipulates the transform works properly even if it is executed in a context where a transformation is already applied.

It is worth noting that states that apply transparency are fairly expensive, as they require creating internal buffers and copying them around. As such, it is a good idea to minimize states that introduce transparency. Drawing objects with semi-transparent brushes is, however, not a problem.

The following operations modify the stack:

The following operations can be used to draw various things:


To speed up rendering, the UI library attempts to store certain information on the GPU. As such, it is typically necessary to create special representations of things that should be drawn. For example, it is not possible to directly draw a graphics.Image to the screen. Rather, it is necessary to create a ui.Bitmap object that contains the image data first. By inspecting the Bitmap object, one can see that it inherits from ui.Resource. This is indeed true for all objects that may need data on the GPU.

Since many resource objects require uploading data to the GPU, it is usually a good idea to create them once, and keep them around while rendering, for example as members in the Painter class. Creating them anew on each frame is wasteful, and incurs both overhead with respect to the garbage collector, and may use the bandwidth between the CPU and the GPU excessively.


A brush encapsulates color and pattern information to use when drawing geometry. The simplest form of brushes are solid color brushes, that simply fill geometry with a single color. It is also possible to create brushes that fill geometry with bitmaps and gradients. In order to create a coherent appearance through multiple drawing operations, brushes are always applied relative to (0, 0) in the current coordinate system.

All brushes inherit from the ui.Brush class. This class is itself not very interesting. There are, however a number of subclasses for various tasks:


A path is a collection of line segments, or curves. Compared to drawing individual lines (using the line function in Graphics), segments in a Path are joined properly, and no overdraw occurs. A path is represented by the ui.Path object. It contains methods for creating the path piece by piece. Do, however, note that it is not efficient to re-create the path each time it is drawn. Instead, prefer to use transformations to transform the path when drawing it, or pre-compute a number of paths that can be used.

The Path class has the following members:

Text Objects

The class ui.Text represents a pre-formatted piece of text in some font. As such, when working with text it is usually a good idea to use Text objects to format it ahead of time to avoid this work on every frame. Furthermore, the Text class supports adding text effects, such as different colors, different fonts, underline, and italics.

A text object is created one of the following constructors:

After that, one of the following functions can be used to inspect the shape of the text:

Text effects can then be added using any of the following functions:

To allow easy creation of formatted text object, the UI library also contains a small extension to create ui.FormatStr classes. These represent a string with formatting information, and the function ui.Text ui.text(ui.FormatStr from, ui.Font font) can be used to create a Text object from it, with the formatting information applied.

Formatted text strings are prefixed by the letter f. In addition to regular strings they may contain the following sequences:

For example, a formatted string literal can be written as follows:

f"Hello \i{world}!";

Rendering Backends

The UI library supports a number of different rendering backends for anything that is rendered using a Painter. By default, the UI library aims to select a good backend for the system in use, but in certain selections it might be needed to override this decision. The available backends depends on the system in use.


On Windows, the UI library uses Direct2D for all rendering. This is currently the only supported backend. The implementation uses a single rendering context for all rendering, so Resources may be shared freely between different rendering contexts without any extra penalty.


On Linux, there are a number of different backends available to the GUI library. It attempts to pick a hardware accelerated backend (using OpenGL), but in cases where drivers are missing or buggy, this might not be desirable. Furthermore, the OpenGL-based backends are not always performant when running X11 forwarding from another system, and mixing OpenGL with plain drawing in Gtk seems to be buggy on some window managers.

It is possible to override the backend used by setting the environment variable STORM_RENDER_BACKEND to one of the following values:

Note that not all of the backends are enabled by default. The software and gtk backends are always available. The skia backend is available in builds from this page, but not in the Debian package at the moment. Setting STORM_RENDER_BACKEND to an unsupported value will list available backends.

When rendering in Linux, there are some things to take into consideration due to how Gtk works. As sub-windows is a construct entirely within Gtk, it typically only creates a single window for each top-level window in the application (with some exceptions). In particular, this means that whenever one part of the window is redrawn (for example, when playing an animation), any overlapping sub-windows also need to be redrawn, which could impact performance. In cases where this is an issue (in the rare case when drawing for example a background to a set of buttons), it is possible to force the GUI library to create "real" windows for all places that are being rendered to by setting the environment variable STORM_RENDER_X_WINDOW. This means that different Painters are not able to share resources at all.

In some cases, the user level threading in Storm triggers some latent bugs in graphics drivers (at least, the user level parts of them). These are typically only visible when using one of the OpenGL backends. If this is an issue, or a suspected issue, it is possible to enable one or more workarounds that make the part of the GUI library that calls OpenGL behave a bit more closely to a "regular" program. This is done automatically by the GUI library where issues are known beforehand, but as not all combinations of hardware and software have been tested there might be situations that the GUI library are unaware of.

The following workarounds are available:

Below is a list of known hardware and software that requires one or more workarounds to function properly. Items in this list are applied automatically.

HardwareDriverVersionWorkarounds applied
Intel cardsIRIS (MESA)< 20.2.5, < 20.3.1single-stack

In case some other hardware shows issues in Storm, it is possible to use the STORM_RENDER_WORKAROUND environment variable to force using one or more workarounds to be active. The variable is expected to contain a comma-separated list of workaround names if it is present. Note that no workarounds are applied automatically whenever STORM_RENDER_WORKAROUND is present, so if your hardware and software are listed above, and you don't want to enable the workaround, you can set the environment variable to the empty string.

If you find out that you need one or more workarounds for your hardware (or indeed, that the available workarounds do not fix the issue), please contact to let me know.


Below are some things to consider when developing applications with the UI library: