
The type core.Maybe<T> represents either an instance of type T, or the absence of an instance, null. T may be any type in the system.

This type is central to the system, as it allows explicitly marking which variables may contain null, and which are guaranteed to always contain something. As such, the type has a special syntax in Basic Storm: T?.

For cases where T is an object or an actor, the type Maybe<T> does not introduce any overhead memory-wise. It simply stores the reference to the object or actor, and uses the special value of zero to represent a Maybe<T> that contains null. For values, Maybe<T> is not able to use a special representation to represent null, but has to add one byte to the end of the value to indicate whether or not the contained representation is valid.

The type Maybe<T> is always a value, but if T is an object or an actor, it behaves as if the type T was used instead. That is, the semantics regarding assignments, function parameters, and sending messages to other threads are as one would expect for T.

The type Maybe<T> has the following members:

As noted above, the Maybe<T> type does not contain any means of accessing the contained element, as this can not be done safely without special language constructs. Instead, languages (e.g. Basic Storm) have to provide specialized, suitable syntax for this task. For example, Basic Storm allows accessin elements in a Maybe<T> as follows:

void fn(Maybe<Int> x) {
    if (x) {
        print("X plus one: ${x + 1}");

The syntax is described in further detail in the section on weak casts in the Basic Storm section of the manual.