A New Language in Storm

This part of the tutorial describes how to create a new language in Storm. In a way, this tutorial can be seen as connecting the pieces used in all the previous tutorials, in order to create something larger. It is, however, worth to note that this tutorial does not aim to describe all concepts behind creating a language in detail. The goal is rather to illustrate how to implement common patterns in Storm. That being said, if you have followed the previous tutorials, you are in a good position to understand what will be done in this tutorial. After all, in my opinion, the hard part of writing compilers is to manage the complexity of the problem through good abstractions. Given good enough abstractions, the problems that a compiler need to solve are not extremely difficult (but still not always trivial). Since this tutorial will suggest abstractions and use the ones from Storm, it should not be extremely difficult to follow, even if you have not previously studied compiler construction.


The end goal of this tutorial is to create a new and simple language that we call demo. It will be saved in file with the extension .demo that Storm will understand. The language itself allows defining functions that are callable from other languages in Storm. Each function simply evaluates an arithmetic expression and returns the result of said expression to the caller. For simplicity, the language only works with integers. It is, however, not extremely difficult to extend this into other types as well. It just requires a bit more code that would make the underlying ideas less clear.

To illustrate the language, consider the following example that defines three functions f, g, and h. f and g take two parameters, while h only takes one:

f(a, b) = a + b + 1
g(a, b) = a / b
h(a) = bsfn(f(a, a), 5)

The first function computes a + b + 1 and returns the result, the second evaluates a / b and returns the result. The third function first calls the function f with the parameters a and a. Then uses the result as a parameter to the function bsfn that we will implement in Basic Storm, and returns the result from that function. Note that we do not need any type definitions, since the language only supports integers.

As we can see from the example, the language is fairly simple. Even so, it is able to utilize the strengths of the Storm platform: it is able to seamlessly interact with other languages in the system. As we shall see, this is something we get almost for free from the system, and not something we need to spend much effort to achieve.

Similarly, with the help of the language server, we get syntax highlighting almost for free as well.


This tutorial requires a bit more setup compared to the previous tutorials. We first need to create a directory, for example language that we use to store our project in. Inside the directory, we need two subdirectories. We will call one of them demo. We will load this directory as the package lang.demo, and it will contain the implementation of our language. If you have installed Storm in your home directory, you can simply create this directory as a subdirectory of root/lang directly instead. Apart from the demo directory, we also need a test directory. This is where we will store the test program in the demo language, alongside some code in Basic Storm to call the functions we define in our new language.

During this tutorial, we will create the files demo.bs, ast.bs, and syntax.bnf in the demo directory. Similarly, we will create the files test.bs and demo.demo in the test directory. You can create these files now if you wish, or you can create them as needed throughout the tutorial. In summary, the directory structure should look something like this:

├─ demo
│  ├─ ast.bs
│  ├─ demo.bs
│  └─ syntax.bnf
└─ test
   ├─ demo.demo
   └─ test.bs

When you have created the directories (or some of the files), you can then run the code using the following command. This assumes that your terminal is in the language directory in the hierarchy above.

storm -I lang.demo ./demo ./test

This command asks Storm to import the directory ./demo as lang.demo, and then to import the directory test as test and then run the main function inside test. Since we have not added any code yet, this will currently just start the top loop for Basic Storm.

Note: As mentioned earlier, if you have installed Storm in your home directory, you can place the entire demo directory inside root/lang instead. This makes Storm load the package demo by default, which means that you can omit the -I flag, and run Storm by simply typing storm ./test instead.

As in the other tutorials, the code produced by this tutorial is available in the directory root/tutorials/language. Note, however, that the code there contains some additional logic to compensate for the fact that the demo directory is not loaded as core.lang. This makes it possible to run the code by typing tutorials:language:main in the Basic Storm top-loop.

Teaching Storm to Handle .demo-files

The first step of creating a language is to teach Storm how to handle the file type that we wish to use for our language. If we create a file with the extension .demo in the test directory, Storm will actually give us a hint of how to do this. We start by creating the file demo.demo in the test directory. We add the following content to the file to let us test our implementation later on:

f() = 1

We also create a simple main function in the test.bs file in the test directory so that we don't have to exit the top-loop every time we run Storm. For now, we simply try to call the function f in our file demo.demo and print the result:

void main() {
    Int result = f();
    print("Result: ${result}");

If we run the program at this point (see the command-line above), we get the following messages:

WARNING storm::Array<storm::PkgReader*>* storm::Package::createReaders(
storm::Map<storm::SimpleName*, storm::PkgFiles*>*):
No reader for [./../language/test/demo.demo]
(should be lang.demo.reader(core.Array(core.io.Url), core.lang.Package))

@/home/storm/language/test/test.bs(28-29): Syntax error: Can not find "f" with parameters ().

The first message is a warning that tells us that Storm does not know what to do with files of the type .demo, since there is no reader for the type. It then proceeds to tell us that it attempted to find a function named lang.demo.reader(Array<core.io.Url>, core.lang.Package) to handle the file type. The second error simply tells us that Basic Storm was unable to find the function f, which is not surprising since we have not yet implemented the demo language to define the function.

The first message is, however, interesting. It tells us that if we define a function called lang.demo.reader(...), we get the opportunity to handle the new file type! Let's try implementing it by adding the following code to the demo.bs file in the demo directory (that we load into the package lang.demo as indicated by the warning):

use core:io;
use core:lang;

lang:PkgReader reader(Url[] files, Package pkg) on Compiler {
    print("We should load ${files}");
    lang:PkgReader(files, pkg);

If we run the program again, we will now see that the warning has disappeared, and is now replaced by the message we printed in the reader function:

We should load [/home/storm/language/test/demo.demo]

What happened is that Storm found a file with the extension .demo when it attempted to load the code in test directory. Since Storm does not know how to deal with specific file types, it looked for the function lang.demo.reader(...) and found the function we just defined. Storm then called our function to create a reader for the files that it found, which is when the print function was called.

In fact, Storm will call our reader function exactly once for every package that contains at least one file with the extension .demo. If a package contains more than one file with the .demo extension, they will all be passed in the array to the reader function. This makes it possible to the language to assign special meaning to certain files if the language choses to do so. For example, we might wish to make the file package.demo specify packages that are imported to all other files, or contain special constructs that require it to be processed before the other files. Since Storm does not make assumptions about how the language works, it simply gives the language a list of all files of the specified file type that was found, and lets the language implement the semantics.

Implementing a Reader

As we saw before, the reader function is expected to create a PkgReader class and return it to Storm (we will simply refer to it as a Reader). Storm will then call the member functions in the returned reader class to coordinate the loading process between different languages in order to resolve dependencies between languages. As such, we are not supposed to read and parse the files passed in the files array already in the reader function.

Since different files in our demo language can be parsed independently of each other, we can use the FilePkgReader class provided by Storm. The FilePkgReader is an implementation of a PkgReader that simply contains a list of FileReader classes, one for each file, and forwards calls from the FilePkgReader to each individual FileReader. It also assumes that each file contains text, and helps us with loading the contents of each file as well.

It is, of course, possible to skip this indirection, if desired. This does, however, mean that we need to load the contents of the files ourselves, and iterate through them when loading the contents of each file.

The first step is to create a class that inherits from lang:FileReader:

class DemoFileReader extends lang:FileReader {
    init(lang:FileInfo info) {
        init(info) {}

As we can see, the class receives a FileInfo object. This object contains, among other things, the contents of the file as a string, the path of the file, and the package we should store the contents of the file into. We simply pass it along to the FileReader constructor, which stores it as the member variable info, that is accessible to the derived class.

We can then instruct the system to create our class by replacing the contents of the reader function with the following:

lang:PkgReader reader(Url[] files, Package pkg) on Compiler {
    lang:FilePkgReader(files, pkg, (x) => DemoFileReader(x));

This line creates a FilePkgReader, and instructs it to create a DemoFileReader for each file in the files array by passing it a lambda function that creates the appropriate type. The parameter x is the FileInfo that the FilePkgReader creates for each of the files.

As mentioned before, Storm uses the created readers to coordinate the loading process between different language. It does this by calling the functions in the reader in the following order:

Since the demo language only defines functions, we only have to worry about readFunctions. As such, we can override the function and add a call to the print function to see that our reader is working as intended:

void readFunctions() : override {
    print("Should read functions from ${info.url}");

If done correctly, we should get the following output:

Should read functions from /home/filip/Projects/storm/language/test/demo.demo
@/home/storm/language/test/test.bs(28-29): Syntax error: Can not find "f" with parameters ().

Parsing the Language

To actually define some functions with our language, we need to parse the text in the source files. Storm itself lets the language choose how to do this, but it is usually a good idea to use the Syntax Language that is already available. As such, we will write grammar in the syntax.bnf file in the demo directory that we created earlier.


When writing grammar, it is usually a good idea to start by considering what constitutes whitespace in the language. In the Syntax Language, we express this by defining the delimiters at the top of the file to match our expectations. Note that it is convenient to make the comment syntax a part of the delimiters. That means that comments may appear at any place where whitespace may appar by default, and we do not have to think about comments in the rest of the grammar.

For our simple language we will only need the optional delimiter. Since we don't want the language to be sensitive to whitespace, we consider any sequence of whitespace characters (space, newline, linefeed, tab) to be a delimiter. For comments, we use the single-line C++-style comments (//). We implement this as the rule SDelimiter with a single production as follows:

void SDelimiter();
SDelimiter : "[ \n\r\t]*" - (SComment - SDelimiter)?;

The production first matches zero or more whitespace character. After that, we optionally match a SComment followed by another delimiter. The recursive nature of this rule means that we will automatically match zero or more lines of comments, optionally separated by whitespace. Note that we use the dash (-) as a separator in this rule. Since we will use SDelimiter as the comma operator, it would be a bad idea to use the comma as a delimiter inside itself.

The SComment rule can be defined as follows:

void SComment();
SComment : "//[^\n]*\n";

Since the rule contains a single regular expression token it could be inlined directly into SDelimiter. This structure is, however, more readable, and makes it easier to add other comment styles in the future if desired.

Now that we have defined our delimiter syntax, we can tell the Syntax Language that we wish to use it whenever an optional delimiter appears (i.e. ,):

optional delimiter = SDelimiter;

Since we have only defined the optional delimiter, we will not be able to use the required delimiter (~) in the syntax file. This is fine in our case, since the language is simple enough to not need it.

For languages that need a required delimiter we would define that in a similar way. The difference is that we create a rule that always matches at least one whitespace. A first step towards creating such a rule is to change the * to a + in the production for SDelimiter above. This would, however, require at least one whitespace after and between a comments as well. This can be solved by making the recursive step use SDelimiter. This is still not exactly what we might want, since that rule would require a space before any comment. This can, however, be considered as close enough, since comments rarely appear in places where whitespace is required, and when it is needed it is often natural to add a space before the comment anyway.

Parsing the Language

After defining the delimiters, we are ready to define the syntax of our language. We start prototyping the syntax, and worry about the syntax transforms later. In this example, we start at the top-level and define the rule for the program as a whole. We call this rule SRoot since it will be the root of the parse tree. Since files in the demo language simply contains zero or more function definitions, we can write it as follows:

void SRoot();
SRoot : , (SFunction, )*;

The production might look a bit strange since the commas seems to be mismatched. However, recall that we defined the optional delimiter (,) to match the SDelimiter rule. This means that we can also write the production as:

SRoot : SDelimiter - (SFunction - SDelimiter)*;

That is, the rule matches zero or more SFunctions, surrounded by SDelimiters. The SDelimiter at the start and end of the root rule are important since we want to allow arbitrary whitespace to appear at the start and end of the source file. Not doing that would most likely confuse the users of our language.

Next up is the rule for function definitions, SFunction. A function consists of an identifier that specifies the name of the function, a list of zero or more parameters, and an expression that defines the body of the function. We can write this as follows in the Syntax Language:

void SFunction();
SFunction : SIdentifier, "(", SParamList, ")", "=", SExpr;

As you see, we refer to other rules for the function's name and the parameter list. Using the rule SIdentifier for the name is convenient since it allows us to define the allowed names in one place, so that it is easier to modify it in the future. It also helps readability. The SParamList for matching the list of parameters is for readability, but also to make it easier to implement the repetition as we shall see.

The SIdentifier rule can simply be implemented like this:

void SIdentifier();
SIdentifier : "[A-Za-z]+";

The SParamList is perhaps a bit less obvious at first. The goal is to match a list of comma-separated identifiers. This requires using multiple productions. The easiest way is perhaps to have a special case for when the list is empty, and use the repetition syntax for the general case. It is explained in further detail in the grammar tutorial.

void SParamList();
SParamList : ; // Zero parameters
SParamList : SIdentifier - (, ",", SIdentifier)*; // One or more parameters

Now, the only thing that remains is the grammar for expressions. For this, we can more or less reuse the rules from the grammar tutorial:

void SExpr();
SExpr : SExpr, "\+", SProduct;
SExpr : SExpr, "-", SProduct;
SExpr : SProduct;

void SProduct();
SProduct : SProduct, "\*", SAtom;
SProduct : SProduct, "/", SAtom;
SProduct : SAtom;

void SAtom();
SAtom : "-?[0-9]+";
SAtom : "(", SExpr, ")";

To make our language a bit more interesting, we add the following productions to SAtom to support variables and function calls as well:

// Variable access:
SAtom : SIdentifier;
// Function call:
SAtom : SIdentifier, "(", SActuals, ")";

void SActuals();
SActuals : ;
SActuals : SExpr - (, ",", SExpr)*;

As you have probably noticed, the SActuals follows the same structure as SParamList in order to match comma-separated parameters.

Now that we have the grammar, we just need to use it to parse the text in our reader. We can do this by replacing the print call with the following code in the readFunctions function:

void readFunctions() : override {
    Parser<SRoot> parser;
    parser.parse(info.contents, info.url, info.start);
    if (parser.hasError)
        throw parser.error();

The three parameters to parse are as follows: the first one is the string to parse. The FileReader has read the file for us and placed it in info.contents. The second parameter is the path of the file. Again, we just read it from info.url. The third parameter is an iterator into the string that specifies where to start. For our purposes this is not important, since the iterator will always be to the start of the string. However, if we wish to parse the file in multiple steps (to support extensible syntax), we need to chain file readers. For this to work properly, it must be possible to specify that a secondary file reader should start partway through the file. Therefore it is a good idea to pass the iterator in info.start to avoid future confusion.

If you have done everything correctly, you will receive the same error as before. However, we can verify that we are actually parsing the source file by introducing an error in the demo.demo file. For example, replacing the first line with f() = a 1 produces a parse error as we would expect.

When you have verified the behavior, remember fix any errors you have introduced before continuing the tutorial in order to avoid unnecessary troubleshooting down the line!

Extracting Information from the Parse Tree

The next step is to actually use parse tree to create functions. To do this, we need to add transform functions to the syntax we just created. We can do this one step at a time and test it along the way. The first step is to extract the functions in the file. To do this, we first create a class that will represent our functions. We add it to the file demo.bs in the demo directory:

class DemoFunction extends Function {
    Str[] paramNames;

    init(SrcPos pos, Str name, Str[] paramNames) {
        Value[] valParams;
        for (x in paramNames)
            valParams << named{Int};

        init(pos, named{Int}, name, valParams) {
            paramNames = paramNames;

Since we used the named{} syntax, we also need to add use lang:bs:macro; to the top of the file.

The class DemoFunction inherits from the Function class in Storm. This class is Storm's generic representation of functions in the name tree. This means that we will be able to add the created instances of DemoFunction to the name tree, and make it possible for other languages to find them later on. This is how Basic Storm is able to find our created functions later on.

The constructor accepts three parameters. A SrcPos that contains the position of the function definition, a Str that contains the name of the function, and an array of strings that contain the parameter names.

In the constructor we then forward these parameters to the constructor of the parent class with some minor modifications. As we can see, the constructor of the Function class accepts four parameters: the position of the definition, the return type of the function, the name of the function, and the types of the parameters to the function. This means that we can simply forward the pos and name parameters. The paramNames need some care, however. The Function class only requires an array of the type of all parameters, but we receive only the names of the parameters. Since all variables in the demo language are integers, we can simply create an array with the correct number of references to the Int type. We do, however, save the names of the parameters for later. Finally, the return type is always Int since we always work with integers.

Now, we can turn to our grammar. The goal is to create a DemoFunction class from the grammar. To determine what we need, we can start by modifying the SFunction rule:

DemoFunction SFunction();
SFunction => DemoFunction(pos, name, params)
  : SIdentifier name, "(", SParamList params, ")", "=", SExpr;

Since we assume that the SIdentifier and SParamList rules return something useful, we also need to modify them. The SIdentifier is quite easy to fix, we just need to capture the regular expression and return that:

Str SIdentifier();
SIdentifier => x : "[A-Za-z]+" x;

The SParamList requires a bit more thought, as we want it to return an array of the parameters. If we would have managed to match all identifiers in the same repeat syntax, we could simply capture that token and return it since the Syntax Language would turn it into an array for us. This is, however, not the case. Fortunately, we can use the arrow (->) syntax to have the Syntax Language call push on an array for us to create the array we are after:

Array<Str> SParamList();
SParamList => Array<Str>() : ;
SParamList => Array<Str>() : SIdentifier -> push - (, ",", SIdentifier -> push)*;

Finally, we also need to modify the SRoot production to create an array of all function definitions in the file. We can do this using a similar approach to above, or by simply capturing and returning the SFunction token:

Array<DemoFunction> SRoot();
SRoot => Array<DemoFunction>() : , (SFunction -> push, )*;


Array<DemoFunction> SRoot();
SRoot => functions : , (SFunction functions, )*;

Now that we are done with the transform functions in the grammar, we just need to call the transform functions and add the created DemoFunction instances to the name tree. We can do this by updating the readFunctions function as follows:

void readFunctions() : override {
    Parser<SRoot> parser;
    parser.parse(info.contents, info.url, info.start);
    if (parser.hasError)
        throw parser.error();

    DemoFunction[] functions = parser.tree().transform();
    for (f in functions)

If done correctly, this will cause the previous error to disappear. However, it is replaced by a crash. The reason for the crash is that Basic Storm found the function and attempted to call it. However, since we did not add any code to our function, the system crashes when we try to call the function (the function points to the address 0, which causes the crash).

Setting Up Code Generation

To avoid the crash, we need to add some code to our function. We do this by creating an instance to one of the subclasses to the core.lang.Code and adding it to the function. In particular, we embrace Storm's lazy-loading strategy by using the subclass core.lang.LazyCode that implements this behavior for us by calling a callback function whenever the function is called the first time. We can do this by adding the following line to the end of the constructor in DemoFunction:


The expression &this.createCode creates a pointer to the member createCode in the current instance of the class. As such, we need to define the function createCode as well. For now, we just throw an exception to avoid the previous crash:

private CodeGen createCode() {
    throw InternalError("TODO: Generate code for ${name}.");

At this point, if we run the program, we will see that the message "TODO: Generate code for f." appears along with a stack trace. This means that our implementation works as expected! To verify the lazy loading, we can surround the entire body of the main function in an if (false) statement:

if (false) {
    Int result = f();
    print("Result: ${result}");

Since we never call f above, the system will never try to generate code for it. Therefore we don't see the exception in this case. Basic Storm will, however, still look up the function f in order to type-check the body of the if statement, so the absence of the exception does not mean that f was never created.

As before, remember to remove the if (false) you added to avoid spending time looking for problems later on.

Generating Code

The next step is to actually generate some code for the function. This might seem like a difficult task at first. However, given a good structure, it is possible to break the problem into small enough pieces so that each piece is trivial to implement, and the complexity of the problem is handled by the structure.

We will implement a simplified version of the structure used in Basic Storm for our demo language. This structure is what is typically called an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). As in Basic Storm, we base the AST around a class we call Expr. The Expr class will be an abstract class that represents some expression in our language. We implement the class as follows in the file ast.bs in the demo directory:

use core:asm;
use core:lang;
use lang:bs:macro;

class Expr on Compiler {
    SrcPos pos;

    init(SrcPos pos) {
        init { pos = pos; }

    void code(CodeGen to) : abstract;

As you can see, the Expr class is very small. It only contains a SrcPos that stores the location in the source code where the expression appears. This is not necessary for code generation. However, having a source location for all nodes in the AST makes it much easier to produce good error messages.

The important function in the Expr class is the function code. When called, this function should generate code to evaluate the expression that the class represents, and store it in the listing in the CodeGen object passed as the parameter. One important question is, however, yet unanswered. Where is the result of evaluating the node stored? As we saw in previous tutorials, Basic Storm uses the CodeResult object to specify the location of the result. The code function here does not, so where is the result stored? To make the implementation simpler, we once again utilize the fact that we only work with integers. This means that we can simply decide that the code function always stores the result of the evaluation in the eax register.

It is possible to generalize this scheme a bit to support all numeric types as well as class- and actor types. We can observe that all of these types can be stored in a single register (numeric types fit in a register, and classes and actors are handled by pointer). This means that such a language can simply place results in the a register, resized to the type being created (i.e. registers al, eax, rax, or ptrA depending on the size). It is, however, not possible to use this scheme to support value types, since they do not always fit in registers. This is why Basic Storm uses CodeResult objects instead.

To illustrate this idea, let's start by implementing an AST node for literals. It can be implemented as follows:

class Literal extends Expr {
    Int value;

    init(SrcPos pos, Str value) {
        init(pos) {
            value = value.toInt();

    void code(CodeGen to) : override {
        to.l << mov(eax, intConst(value));

The interesting part of the Literal class above is the implementation of the code function. Remember that we specified that the code function should evaluate the node and place the result in the eax register. Evaluating a literal is trivial: literals evaluate to themselves. This means that the only thing that remains is to store the result in the eax register. We do this by adding a mov instruction to the listing in the CodeGen object.

Since Storm is lazily compiled, we can test the implementation of our literal without implementing the semantics for the rest of the language. The lazy compilation means that Storm only attempts to compile and type-check the code that is actually used. As such, it does not matter that most of the semantics are missing, and would cause type errors as long as we don't use that part of the semantics!

So, let's do the minimal amount of work needed so that we can test our implementation, and understand how it works before attempting to implement the rest of the semantics of the language. We can do this by starting from the DemoFunction class and let the error messages by Storm direct us to what needs to be done next. Let's start by modifying the constructor to accept and store a SExpr parameter for the body:

class DemoFunction extends Function {
    Str[] paramNames;
    SExpr body;

    init(SrcPos pos, Str name, Str[] paramNames, SExpr body) {
        Value[] valParams;
        for (x in paramNames)
            valParams << named{Int};

        init(pos, named{Int}, name, valParams) {
            paramNames = paramNames;
            body = body;


    // ...

Note that we store the body as SExpr rather than Expr. The type SExpr refers to the type created by the Syntax Language to create a parse tree starting in the rule SExpr. This means that we wish to store the representation of the parse tree before it has been transformed into nodes of our choice. The reason for this is that we wish to do as little work as possible until we are actually asked to generate the machine code for the function. Currently, it would not matter much. However, when we add function calls we will try to look up names during the syntax transforms. If we do that too early, the lookups might fail because the function we try to find has not been added yet.

The next step is to implement the createCode function to generate code. Since functions in the demo language are supposed to evaluate and return the associated expression, we can simply call the code function of the root node in the AST to do the heavy lifting for us. We get the root node by calling transform on the body variable we just saved. What remains is to create a CodeGen object, emit a function prolog, and to make sure that the function returns the right result. The last step requires us to remember that we decided that code functions store the result of evaluating the expression in the eax register:

private CodeGen createCode() {
    // Create a CodeGen instance. All parameters are members
    // in the Function class.
    CodeGen gen(runOn, isMember, result);

    // Emit the function prolog.
    gen.l << prolog();

    // Transform the body into AST nodes, and generate code
    // for the expression.
    Expr e = body.transform();

    // Since the result of the evaluation is stored in 'eax'
    // by our convention, we can just generate code to return
    // the value in 'eax' here.
    gen.l << fnRet(eax);

    // Return the generated code. The LazyCode will then
    // compile the generated code into machine code and
    // execute it.
    return gen;

Note that we also need to add use core:asm; to the top of the file. Otherwise names such as eax will not be visible.

If we run the test program at this point, we will get the following error:

@/home/storm/language/demo/syntax.bnf(249-355): Syntax error:
Can not find "DemoFunction" with parameters (core.lang.SrcPos&, core.Str&, core.Array(core.Str)&).

This error is because we now need to pass the body to the constructor of DemoFunction. Since we wish to capture the original parse tree here, and not transform it first, we need to add the @ character when capturing the body. This looks like the code below:

DemoFunction SFunction();
SFunction => DemoFunction(pos, name, params, body)
  : SIdentifier name, "(", SParamList params, ")", "=", SExpr @body;

If we run the program again, we get a different error:

@/home/storm/language/demo/demo.bs(1039-1040): Syntax error:
No appropriate constructor for lang.demo.Expr found. Can not initialize 'e'.
Expected signature: __init(lang.demo.Expr, void)

This error is from the line where we assign the result of body.transform() to the variable e. The reason is that the rule SExpr returns void, and not Expr as we expected. We fix this by changing the return type of the SExpr rule:

Expr SExpr();

This causes yet another error to appear:

Syntax error: No return value specified for a production that does not return 'void'.

In this case, it is caused by the production SExpr : SProduct not returning anything. We can fix the error by adding suitable transforms to forward the result:

SExpr => x : SProduct x;

If we continue to run the program and fix errors like above, we will see that we also need to change the result of SProduct and SAtom in the same way, and that we need to modify the productions SProduct : SAtom and SAtom : "-?[0-9]+"; as follows:

SExpr SProduct();
// ...
SProduct => x : SAtom x;
// ...
Expr SAtom();
SAtom => Literal(pos, num) : "-?[0-9]+" num;

After these modifications, the program finally runs and produces the output:

Result: 1

This is exactly what we would expect, and it means that our new language can successfully compile and run very simple functions! A great first step!

Implementing Operators

Now that our implementation has progressed far enough to compile simple functions, let's implement operators as well. This will show the strength of our assumptions regarding the code function, since this will make it fairly straight-forward to implement the operators correctly, regardless of the complexity of the expressions that are being evaluated.

To start, let's update our test program in the demo.demo file in the test directory as follows:

f() = 10 + 4

If we try to run the example now, we will get an error similar to before that says that the production for + does not return anything, even though it should return a non-void value. We can fix that by updating the production as follows:

SExpr => OpAdd(pos, l, r) : SExpr l, "\+", SExpr r;

Of course, we must also define the class OpAdd as well. The first part of the class is straight-forward, we simply store the expressions that correspond to the left- and right-hand sides of the operator:

class OpAdd extends Expr {
    private Expr lhs;
    private Expr rhs;

    init(SrcPos pos, Expr lhs, Expr rhs) {
        init(pos) {
            lhs = lhs;
            rhs = rhs;

The code function is, however, at first a bit trickier. In order to evaluate the + operator, we must first evaluate the left- and right hand sides in some order. Then we can add the results of these expressions together.

At this time, we need to remember the convention we established: that the code function always places the result in the eax register. This allows us to implement + using these steps:

  1. Evaluate rhs. The result is stored in eax.
  2. Store eax in a temporary variable, so that its value is not overwritten in the next step.
  3. Evaluate lhs. The result is stored in eax.
  4. Add the value in the temporary variable to eax. The result is now in eax.

We can implement this strategy as follows:

void code(CodeGen to) : override {
    // Create a temporary variable for step 2.
    Var tmp = to.l.createIntVar(to.block);

    // Step 1:
    // Step 2:
    to.l << mov(tmp, eax);
    // Step 3:
    // Step 4:
    to.l << add(eax, tmp);

If we run the program now, it produces the correct result: 14. It seems like our + operator is working!

One question that might arise at this point is: Why do we need to create a temporary variable? Is it not enough just store the temporary variable in another register, like ebx or ecx? It is indeed true that this would be enough in the case where only a single + appears in the expression. However, consider what would happen for the expression 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 for example. Since all + operators attempt to store their temporary inside the ebx register, they will overwrite each other's stored values, and produce the wrong result. You can see this effect by replacing the line Var tmp = ... with var tmp = ebx; and printing the gen variable in the createCode function in the DemoFunction class.

We can now implement the remaining operators in the same way. This will allow us to evaluate arbitrary expressions, for example f() = (10 + 4) / 2. This example also highlights that we need to add a transform function to the production for parentheses as well. All in all, the expression grammar should look like below after these modifications:

Expr SExpr();
SExpr => OpAdd(pos, l, r) : SExpr l, "\+", SProduct r;
SExpr => OpSub(pos, l, r) : SExpr l, "-", SProduct r;
SExpr => x : SProduct x;

Expr SProduct();
SProduct => OpMul(pos, l, r) : SProduct l, "\*", SAtom r;
SProduct => OpDiv(pos, l, r) : SProduct l, "/", SAtom r;
SProduct => x : SAtom x;

Expr SAtom();
SAtom => Literal(pos, num) : "-?[0-9]+" num;
SAtom => x : "(", SExpr x, ")";

Also, the classes that implement the operators look like below. Note that only the name and the last instruction in the code function differ:

class OpAdd extends Expr {
    private Expr lhs;
    private Expr rhs;

    init(SrcPos pos, Expr lhs, Expr rhs) {
        init(pos) {
            lhs = lhs;
            rhs = rhs;

    void code(CodeGen to) : override {
        Var tmp = to.l.createIntVar(to.block);
        to.l << mov(tmp, eax);
        to.l << add(eax, tmp);

class OpSub extends Expr {
    private Expr lhs;
    private Expr rhs;

    init(SrcPos pos, Expr lhs, Expr rhs) {
        init(pos) {
            lhs = lhs;
            rhs = rhs;

    void code(CodeGen to) : override {
        Var tmp = to.l.createIntVar(to.block);
        to.l << mov(tmp, eax);
        to.l << sub(eax, tmp);

class OpMul extends Expr {
    private Expr lhs;
    private Expr rhs;

    init(SrcPos pos, Expr lhs, Expr rhs) {
        init(pos) {
            lhs = lhs;
            rhs = rhs;

    void code(CodeGen to) : override {
        Var tmp = to.l.createIntVar(to.block);
        to.l << mov(tmp, eax);
        to.l << mul(eax, tmp);

class OpDiv extends Expr {
    private Expr lhs;
    private Expr rhs;

    init(SrcPos pos, Expr lhs, Expr rhs) {
        init(pos) {
            lhs = lhs;
            rhs = rhs;

    void code(CodeGen to) : override {
        Var tmp = to.l.createIntVar(to.block);
        to.l << mov(tmp, eax);
        to.l << idiv(eax, tmp);


Now that we can evaluate expressions properly, let's make the language more useful by adding variables. Since there are no assignments in the language, the only way to define a variable is to specify it as a parameter to a function.

Under these constraints, it would be possible to implement variables trivially using a simple hash table. This tutorial will, however, illustrate a slightly more complex implementation that is able to accommodate more advanced languages as well. In particular, the implementation here will utilize the name lookup mechanisms in Storm, so that it is possible to look up variables and functions using an uniform interface. The structure also allows implementing things like blocks that introduce separate namespaces for example. All in all, the structure is a simplified version of the structure used in Basic Storm.

As in the previous parts of the tutorial, we start by updating our test file. To test parameters and variables, let's add a new test to the demo.demo file, so that it looks like below:

f() = (10 + 4) / 2
f(a, b) = a + b + 1

If we run the program now, it will actually still work. This is due to the lazy compilation in Storm. The file will parse successfully since we added a production that matches variables. This means that the code parses correctly, even if we have not yet implemented support for variables. Since we never call f that accepts two parameters, we will never try to compile it, and we thus never discover the error. As mentioned here, we can force Storm to compile all of our code eagerly to see the error. This does, however, mean that we have to implement function calls as well before being able to test our implementation of variables. The easiest way to test our implementation is to modify the main function in the test.bs file to call the new function:

void main() {
    Int result = f(1, 2);
    print("Result: ${result}");

If we run the program at this stage, we get an error as we would expect:

@/home/storm/language/demo/syntax.bnf(962-981): Syntax error:
No return value specified for a production that does not return 'void'.

As before, we solve this error by adding a transform function to the production. This time we use it to create a node called VarAccess:

SAtom => VarAccess(pos, name) : SIdentifier name;

We also need to define the VarAccess class in the ast.bs file as before:

class VarAccess extends Expr {
    init(SrcPos pos, Str name) {
        init(pos) {}

    void code(CodeGen to) : override {
        // ?

This is enough to allow us to run the program, but not enough to produce the correct result (I get the number 3 when running it, but it might differ on your machine or even crash). The big question that remains is: how do we know which variable to read in the code function?

To answer that question, let's start at the root of the AST, when we start code generation in the createCode function inside the DemoFunction class. At the moment we completely ignore that the function receives parameters. This means that we actually generate code for a function that accepts 0 parameters, even though we pass two integers when we call it. The first step is therefore to tell the Listing object that the function accepts parameters, so that it can generate code that receives the parameters properly. We do this by calling the createParam function for each parameter, and giving it a TypeDesc (type description) that contains information about the type that should be received. We can easily get a TypeDesc from a Type by calling its desc() member:

private CodeGen createCode() {
    CodeGen gen(runOn, isMember, result);

    gen.l << prolog();

    for (name in paramNames) {
        Var param = gen.l.createParam(named{Int}.desc());

    Expr e = body.transform();

    gen.l << fnRet(eax);

    return gen;

As we can see from the code, the createParam function returns a Var object. This means that we can treat parameters in the Intermediate Language just as we treat normal variables. This means that as long as we manage to get the Var values from the createCode function to the VarAccess class, we can easily generate code to load the variable into the eax register. The question that remains is therefore: how do we allow the VarAccess class to access the parameters?

As mentioned above, we will solve name lookups using the facilities provided by Storm. As such, the first step is to create a named entity for storing our variables. We can inherit from the core.lang.Variable class in Storm to simplify the implementation a bit:

class DemoVar extends Variable {
    Var codeVar;

    init(SrcPos pos, Str name, Var codeVar) {
       init(pos, name, named{Int}) {
           codeVar = codeVar;

As we can see, this class simply stores a Var instance that corresponds to the variable we received from the createParam function. The base class Variable also gives it a result member that stores the type of the variable (this is why we pass named{Int} to the parent constructor). Furthermore, since Variable inherits from Named, it also has a name and a source position. The inheritance from Named also means that it can be a part of the name tree in Storm, and that we can search for it using the standard lookup mechanisms.

Before we can use the DemoVar class we just created, we need somewhere to store them. Since the variables are local to the function, we don't want them to be accessible from the root of the name tree. We do, however, wish to have a node in the name tree with a parent pointer to the right point in the name tree, so that we can lookup functions and other variables later on. For this reason, we create a class that inherits from core.lang.NameLookup. The NameLookup class is the super class of core.lang.Named, and represents a node in the name tree where it is possible to look up names, and that has a parent pointer to some location in the name tree. It does, however, not have a name and it is therefore not possible to store a NameLookup in the name tree, or to find them by name. This is exactly what we want. We start the implementation as follows:

class DemoLookup extends NameLookup {
    init(NameLookup parent) {
        init(parent) {}

Since we wish to be able to look up names in the name tree from the NameLookup later on, we let the constructor accepts a parameter that specifies the parent node in the name tree. This also lets us link multiple DemoLookup together to represent nested namespaces inside functions in our language if we wish.

The next step is to add somewhere to store variables inside the DemoLookup. Since variables do not have any parameters, we can simply use a Map<Str, DemoVar> (also spelled Str->DemoVar). We also add a function that makes it convenient to add variables:

class DemoLookup extends NameLookup {
    Str->DemoVar variables;

    init(NameLookup parent) {
        init(parent) {}

    void addVar(SrcPos pos, Str name, Var v) {
        DemoVar var(pos, name, v);
        var.parentLookup = this;
        variables.put(name, var);

One thing is worth noting in the code above. In the addVar function we explicitly set parentLookup of the created variable to this. This connects the variable to the current block, so that it is possible to start in the variable and traverse the name tree towards the root. We do not need this ability in our language, but for some types of named entities (e.g. functions), it is necessary to attach them to the name tree before using them. The function add in the NameSet class sets the parentLookup internally, so it is only necessary to set parentLookup manually when working with NameLookups like in this example.

We can now go back to the createCode function and store the parameters inside a DemoLookup:

private CodeGen createCode() {
    CodeGen gen(runOn, isMember, result);

    gen.l << prolog();

    DemoLookup lookup(this);
    for (name in paramNames) {
        Var param = gen.l.createParam(named{Int}.desc());
        lookup.addVar(pos, name, param);

    Expr e = body.transform();

    gen.l << fnRet(eax);

    return gen;

Now that we have stored the parameters somewhere, we just need to pass them to the VarLookup class through the grammar. We do this by encapsulating the DemoLookup inside a core.lang.Scope class. The Scope class can be thought of as a pointer to a location in the name tree, together with a strategy for looking up names based on that location. For example, when asked to look up the name Str in the context of the package lang.demo, the Scope used in Basic Storm will first look in the package lang.demo, then in the root package, and after that in the core package (the strategy is customizable by providing a ScopeLookup class, but we will not need to do that in this tutorial).

To give the name tree access to the current scope, we modify the call to transform into the following:

Expr e = body.transform(Scope(lookup));

We must also change the syntax to accept the new parameter and pass it along to the VarAccess class. We first add use core.lang; to the syntax.bnf file so we do not have to write core.lang.Scope every time we wish to refer to the Scope class. After that, we add a parameter scope with the type Scope to the SExpr, SProduct, and SAtom rules, and modify the usages of these rules to pass the scope parameter along. After the changes, the productions should look like this:

use core.lang;

// ...

Expr SExpr(Scope scope);
SExpr => OpAdd(pos, l, r) : SExpr(scope) l, "\+", SProduct(scope) r;
SExpr => OpSub(pos, l, r) : SExpr(scope) l, "-", SProduct(scope) r;
SExpr => x : SProduct(scope) x;

Expr SProduct(Scope scope);
SProduct => OpMul(pos, l, r) : SProduct(scope) l, "\*", SAtom(scope) r;
SProduct => OpDiv(pos, l, r) : SProduct(scope) l, "/", SAtom(scope) r;
SProduct => x : SAtom(scope) x;

Expr SAtom(Scope scope);
SAtom => Literal(pos, num) : "-?[0-9]+" num;
SAtom => x : "(", SExpr(scope) x, ")";

SAtom => VarAccess(pos, name, scope) : SIdentifier name;

Now, we can finally return to our VarAccess implementation. We start by modifying the constructor to accept the new Scope parameter. It can then use the new parameter to try to look up the variable as follows:

init(SrcPos pos, Str name, Scope scope) {
    init(pos) {}

    if (x = scope.find(SimpleName(name)) as DemoVar) {
        print("Found ${x.name}!");
    } else {
        throw SyntaxError(pos, "Unknown variable: ${name}");

As we can see, the Scope class has a find function that accepts a single parameter that contains the name that it should attempt to find. Since we have no unresolved parameters, we can simply create a core.lang.SimpleName that consists of a single part that contains the name we are looking for. The function returns a Maybe<Named> value that is null if no name was found. Since we are looking for DemoVar instances, we cast it to a DemoVar using the as keyword. This check is also able to check for null at the same time. For now, we simply print a message if we found a matching variable, and throw a syntax error on failure.

If we run the code like this, we will (perhaps surprisingly) reach the error case:

@/home/storm/language/test/demo.demo(29-30): Syntax error: Unknown variable: a

To understand why the error occurs, we need to know a bit more about how the find function works internally. On a high level, the find function iterates through the individual parts in the supplied name. It attempts to find the first part in the NameLookup stored in the Scope. The next part is resolved in the context of the entity found by the first, and so on. To find a single part in a NameLookup class, the Scope calls the find function in the NameLookup. If it fails by returning null, the name lookup is considered a failure, and the Scope may try again from a different starting point (e.g. the parent to the current NameLookup).

Knowing this strategy allows us to find the problem in our implementation. While we store DemoVar entities in our DemoLookup, we have not yet implemented the find function that lets the Scope find the variables. As such, we need to take a slight detour and override the find function in our DemoLookup class:

Named? find(SimplePart part, Scope scope) : override {
    if (part.params.empty) {
        if (found = variables.at(part.name)) {
            return found;
    return null;

The function receives two parameters. The first one is the part of the name that the Scope wishes to find. The second parameter is the scope itself. It can be used to inspect the context in which the name lookup occurred, so that we can determine which variables are visible from that context (e.g. for private variables). Since we are working with local variables that are not reachable from anywhere outside the function, we can safely ignore the scope parameter in our implementation.

The find function starts by checking if the part contains any parameters. If it does, we know that none of our variables will match, since variables do not take parameters by definition. If the part had no parameters, we can proceed to look up the variable in the hash table, and return it if we found a match.

This is enough for our needs, and if we try to run our program again, we can see that the error message is replaced by the messages Found a! and Found b! This means that our name lookup works as expected. The only thing that remains is to use the found entity to retrive the value of the variable!

We add a variable in the VarAccess class that stores the DemoVar we found in the constructor. Note, however, that due to how the unless statement is implemented in Basic Storm, it is not possible to use it before init or super blocks. This means that we need to rely on the fact that if statements are expressions when we initialize the DemoVar variable (it is possible to write a helper function as well, but where is the fun in that?). Once we have stored the DemoVar in the class, we can use it in the code function to load the codeVar into the register eax:

class VarAccess extends Expr {
    DemoVar toRead;

    init(SrcPos pos, Str name, Scope scope) {
        init(pos) {
            toRead = if (x = scope.find(SimpleName(name)) as DemoVar) {
            } else {
                throw SyntaxError(pos, "Unknown variable: ${name}");

    void code(CodeGen to) : override {
        to.l << mov(eax, toRead.codeVar);

And with those changes, the implementation of variables is complete. If we run the program now, it will print Result: 4 as expected.

Function Calls

After implementing variables, the last thing that remains is to implement function calls. Luckily, it turns out that we can re-use much of the work we did to implement variables when implementing functions. In particular, we can use the find function in the Scope class to look for functions as well.

Before we get to the implementation, let's update our demo.demo file with some new tests:

f() = (10 + 4) / 2
f(a, b) = a + b + 1
g(a, b) = f(a, a) * b

We also change the main function in test.bs as follows:

void main() {
    print("f(1, 2) = ${f(1, 2)}");
    print("g(4, 2) = ${g(4, 2)}");

If we run the program at this point, we get the familiar error message below that indicates that we are trying to transform a production that we have not yet specified a transform for:

@/home/storm/language/demo/syntax.bnf(1145-1184): Syntax error:
No return value specified for a production that does not return 'void'.

To fix the issue, we need to add transforms to the function call production. Since it uses the SActuals rule, we also need to update that production to include transforms and the Scope parameter:

SAtom => FnCall(pos, name, params, scope) : SIdentifier name, "(", SActuals(scope) params, ")";

Array<Expr> SActuals(Scope scope);
SActuals => Array<Expr>() : ;
SActuals => Array<Expr>() : SExpr(scope) -> push - (, ",", SExpr(scope) -> push)*;

Next, we need to implement the FnCall node in the file ast.bs. We start with the basic structure:

class FnCall extends Expr {
    private Expr[] params;

    init(SrcPos pos, Str name, Expr[] params, Scope scope) {
        init(pos) {
            params = params;

    void code(CodeGen to) : override {
        // ?

As was the case for variables, it is now possible to run the test. It will run and produce some answer (4 on my system, but it may differ on your system). This is nice as it lets us experiment a bit easier.

The implementation in the FnCall class will be similar to the VarAccess class. In the constructor we will use the scope to find the function to call. We store it as a variable in the class so that we can use it in the code function. The difference is that we need to create a name that has the right number of integer parameters. Otherwise we will not find the function we are looking for. Since we will be able to find functions in other languages in Storm, it is also a good idea to verify the return type of the function we found.

We start by creating a name to look for in the constructor:

init(SrcPos pos, Str name, Expr[] params, Scope scope) {
    SimplePart part(name);
    for (x in params)

    SimpleName lookFor(part);

    // For debugging!

    init(pos) {
        params = params;

We start by creating a SimplePart that only contains the name of the function we are looking for. We then add one integer parameter for each parameter that was passed to the function. The reason we do not have to inspect the expressions in the params array is again since the demo language only supports integers. This means that we know that all expressions evaluate to Int. If we add support for other types, we would have to ask each parameter what type it evaluated to and add that type to the part instead.

After we have created the part, we create a SimpleName out of the part. In our case, the name only contains a single part since the demo language does not have any syntax to specify functions that are located in other packages (e.g. tutorials.language.main()). Finally, we print the name to see that we have created something that is sensible. If we run the program it will print f(core.Int, core.Int) which looks exactly like what we would expect.

Since the created name looks right, we can try to look up the name using the scope. We add a new variable toCall to store the function in, and like in the VarAccess class, we will initialize it using an if statement in the init block:

class FnCall extends Expr {
    private Expr[] params;
    private Function toCall;

    init(SrcPos pos, Str name, Expr[] params, Scope scope) {
        SimplePart part(name);
        for (x in params)

        SimpleName lookFor(part);

        init(pos) {
            params = params;
            toCall = if (x = scope.find(lookFor) as Function) {
                if (!Value(named{Int}).mayStore(x.result))
                    throw SyntaxError(pos, "Functions used in the demo language must return Int!");
            } else {
                throw SyntaxError(pos, "Unknown function: ${lookFor}");

    // ...

As can be seen above, the only difference from the VarAccess class is that we try to cast the found element to a Function rather than a DemoVar, and that we also verify the result using the mayStore function in the Value class. This function checks that the left hand side (the Int) is a binary compatible with the right hand side (x.result). For value types, it would technically be enough to check if the type is exactly Int. The mayStore function takes inheritance for class- and actor-types as well, which is usually useful but not really necessary here.

Finally, the only thing that remains is to implement the code function. Here, we can take a similar approach to the implementation of the code functions for the operators. We start by evaluating all parameters to the function, and store them in temporary variables, and then call the function. We can evaluate the parameters and store them in variables like this:

void code(CodeGen to) : override {
    Operand[] ops;
    for (x in params) {
        Var tmp = to.l.createIntVar(to.block);

        to.l << mov(tmp, eax);
        ops << tmp;

We then have two options to call the function. The most robust one is to utilize the autoCall function inside the Function class. The autoCall function inspects the CodeGen object and determines if a thread switch is necessary or not. Using it requires creating a CodeResult object to let it know where it should place the result. This can be done as follows:

void code(CodeGen to) : override {
    Operand[] ops;
    for (x in params) {
        Var tmp = to.l.createIntVar(to.block);

        to.l << mov(tmp, eax);
        ops << tmp;

    CodeResult result(named{Int}, to.block);
    toCall.autoCall(to, ops, result);
    to.l << mov(eax, result.location(to));

In the first new line, we create a CodeResult and specify that we want the result to be located in a variable visible in the current block (to.block), and that the variable should store an integer. Then, we call autoCall to ask it to generate code for the function call. Finally, we copy the resultfrom the variable the CodeResult object created for it to the eax register to follow the convention of the code function.

The other option is to emit fnParam and fnCall instructions directly. This works in cases where we are sure that a thread switch is not necessary. We can not really assume this in our implementation. Therefore, the following implementation is not recommended in this case. It is only provided to illustrate how function calls in the intermediate language work:

for (x in ops) {
    to.l << fnParam(named{Int}.desc, x);
to.l << fnCall(toCall.ref(), toCall.isMember, named{Int}.desc, x);

With that, the implementation of function calls is complete. Running the tests now should produce the expected output:

f(1, 2) = 4
f(4, 2) = 18

Since we are using the generic Function interface for function calls, it is actually possible to call functions implemented in Basic Storm from our demo language. To illustrate this, we can create a new function in the file demo.demo:

h(a) = bsfn(f(a, a), 5)

We then update our main function in the file test.bs to call the new function. We also implement bsfn there:

void main() {
    print("f(1, 2) = ${f(1, 2)}");
    print("g(4, 2) = ${g(4, 2)}");
    print("h(10) = ${h(10)}");

Int bsfn(Int x, Int y) {
    print("In Basic Storm: ${x}, ${y}");
    x + y;

If we run the program now, we can see that it works as expected. The output from the print statement in bsfn is visible as we would expect, and the correct result is produced:

f(1, 2) = 4
g(4, 2) = 18
In Basic Storm: 21, 5
h(10) = 26

Syntax Highlighting

Using the language server in Storm, we can easily add syntax higlighting to our language. For this, we need two things: a function in our FileReader that tells the language server which rule is the root in our grammar, and annotations in the grammar.

We start by adding the required function to the FileReader. In the class DemoFileReader, we simply need to add the following function:

lang:bnf:Rule rootRule() : override {

This instructs the language server to start parsing demo files using the rule SRoot. Apart from that, we just need to annotate the grammar to tell the language server which parts of the text to highlight, and which color to use.

To allow the end-user to customize the appearance of the highlighted code, the colors for tokens are expressed in terms of what function the characters have in the source code. The following classes are available:

Of course, Storm places no requirement on a language to highlight all parts of the text. Furthermore, some languages might make it difficult to distinguish between for example type- and variable names from the information available to the parser. In such cases, it might be possible to modify the grammar slightly to match conventions in the language. For example, it is possible to split a production that matches a generic identifier into two. One matches identifiers that start with an uppercase letter, and is highlighted as a type name. Another matches identifiers that start with a lowercase letter, and is highlighted as a function name. Since the rules can still contain the same syntax transforms, this does not impact the rest of the language.

With this in mind, we can then simply annotate our syntax by adding #-annotations after the relevant tokens. This ends up looking like below:

Array<DemoFunction> SRoot();
SRoot => functions : , (SFunction functions, )*;

DemoFunction SFunction();
SFunction => DemoFunction(pos, name, params, body)
  : SIdentifier name #fnName, "(", SParamList params, ")", "=", SExpr @body;

Str SIdentifier();
SIdentifier => x : "[A-Za-z]+" x;

Array<Str> SParamList();
SParamList => Array<Str>() : ;
SParamList => Array<Str>()
  : SIdentifier -> push #varName - (, ",", SIdentifier -> push #varName)*;

Expr SExpr(Scope scope);
SExpr => OpAdd(pos, l, r) : SExpr(scope) l, "\+", SProduct(scope) r;
SExpr => OpSub(pos, l, r) : SExpr(scope) l, "-", SProduct(scope) r;
SExpr => p : SProduct(scope) p;

Expr SProduct(Scope scope);
SProduct => OpMul(pos, l, r) : SProduct(scope) l, "\*", SAtom(scope) r;
SProduct => OpDiv(pos, l, r) : SProduct(scope) l, "/", SAtom(scope) r;
SProduct => a : SAtom(scope) a;

Expr SAtom(Scope scope);
SAtom => Literal(pos, num) : "-?[0-9]+" num #constant;
SAtom => VarAccess(pos, name, scope)  : SIdentifier name #varName;
SAtom => FnCall(pos, name, params, scope)
  : SIdentifier name #fnName, "(", SActuals(scope) params, ")";
SAtom => x : "(", SExpr(scope) x, ")";

Array<Expr> SActuals(Scope scope);
SActuals => Array<Expr>() : ;
SActuals => Array<Expr>() : SExpr(scope) -> push - (, ",", SExpr(scope) -> push)*;

In order to test the syntax highlighting, it is necessary to start the language server. If you have developed the new language directly in Storm's root/ directory, then you do not need to do anything else. If you developed it separately, you need to make sure that the library is properly included in the Storm process used as the language server. This is done by modifying the variable storm-mode-include in Emacs before starting the language server. A good way to do this short-term is to simly set the variable to the value we want using setq. This makes it easier to re-set the variable if we make a mistake:

(setq storm-mode-include '(("/path/to/demo" . "lang.demo")))

One way to evaluate the expression is to press M-x, type eval-expression, press Enter, and then typing the expression above and finish by hitting Enter. Another way is to open the buffer *scratch*, type the expression there, and then press C-M-x at the end of the expression.

Ideas for Extending the Language

The language created here provides a good starting point for further development. Below are some ideas for how to expand the language further, towards a more "real" language:

Full Source Code

For completeness, the full source produced in this tutorial is provided below.


use core.lang;

optional delimiter = SDelimiter;

void SDelimiter();
SDelimiter : "[ \n\r\t]*" - (SComment - SDelimiter)?;

void SComment();
SComment : "//[^\n]*\n" #comment;

Array<DemoFunction> SRoot();
SRoot => functions : , (SFunction functions, )*;

DemoFunction SFunction();
SFunction => DemoFunction(pos, name, params, body)
  : SIdentifier name #fnName, "(", SParamList params, ")", "=", SExpr @body;

Str SIdentifier();
SIdentifier => x : "[A-Za-z]+" x;

Array<Str> SParamList();
SParamList => Array<Str>() : ;
SParamList => Array<Str>()
  : SIdentifier -> push #varName - (, ",", SIdentifier -> push #varName)*;

Expr SExpr(Scope scope);
SExpr => OpAdd(pos, l, r) : SExpr(scope) l, "\+", SProduct(scope) r;
SExpr => OpSub(pos, l, r) : SExpr(scope) l, "-", SProduct(scope) r;
SExpr => p : SProduct(scope) p;

Expr SProduct(Scope scope);
SProduct => OpMul(pos, l, r) : SProduct(scope) l, "\*", SAtom(scope) r;
SProduct => OpDiv(pos, l, r) : SProduct(scope) l, "/", SAtom(scope) r;
SProduct => a : SAtom(scope) a;

Expr SAtom(Scope scope);
SAtom => Literal(pos, num) : "-?[0-9]+" num #constant;
SAtom => VarAccess(pos, name, scope)  : SIdentifier name #varName;
SAtom => FnCall(pos, name, params, scope)
  : SIdentifier name #fnName, "(", SActuals(scope) params, ")";
SAtom => x : "(", SExpr(scope) x, ")";

Array<Expr> SActuals(Scope scope);
SActuals => Array<Expr>() : ;
SActuals => Array<Expr>() : SExpr(scope) -> push - (, ",", SExpr(scope) -> push)*;


use core:io;
use core:lang;
use lang:bs:macro;
use core:asm;

lang:PkgReader reader(Url[] files, Package pkg) on Compiler {
    lang:FilePkgReader(files, pkg, (x) => DemoFileReader(x));

class DemoFileReader extends lang:FileReader {
    init(lang:FileInfo info) {
        init(info) {}

    void readFunctions() : override {
        Parser<SRoot> parser;
        parser.parse(info.contents, info.url, info.start);
        if (parser.hasError)
            throw parser.error();

        DemoFunction[] functions = parser.tree().transform();
        for (f in functions)

class DemoFunction extends Function {
    Str[] paramNames;
    SExpr body;

    init(SrcPos pos, Str name, Str[] paramNames, SExpr body) {
        Value[] valParams;
        for (x in paramNames)
            valParams << named{Int};

        init(pos, named{Int}, name, valParams) {
            paramNames = paramNames;
            body = body;


    private CodeGen createCode() {
        CodeGen gen(runOn, isMember, result);

        gen.l << prolog();

        DemoLookup lookup(this);
        for (name in paramNames) {
            Var param = gen.l.createParam(named{Int}.desc());
            lookup.addVar(pos, name, param);

        Expr e = body.transform(Scope(lookup));

        gen.l << fnRet(eax);

        return gen;

class DemoVar extends Variable {
    Var codeVar;

    init(SrcPos pos, Str name, Var codeVar) {
       init(pos, name, named{Int}) {
           codeVar = codeVar;

class DemoLookup extends NameLookup {
    Str->DemoVar variables;

    init(NameLookup parent) {
        init(parent) {}

    void addVar(SrcPos pos, Str name, Var v) {
        DemoVar var(pos, name, v);
        var.parentLookup = this;
        variables.put(name, var);

    Named? find(SimplePart part, Scope scope) : override {
        if (part.params.empty) {
            if (found = variables.at(part.name)) {
                return found;
        return null;


use core:asm;
use core:lang;
use lang:bs:macro;

class Expr on Compiler {
    SrcPos pos;

    init(SrcPos pos) {
        init { pos = pos; }

    // Convention: Output result into the eax register.
    void code(CodeGen to) : abstract;

class Literal extends Expr {
    Int value;

    init(SrcPos pos, Str value) {
        init(pos) {
            value = value.toInt();

    void code(CodeGen to) : override {
        to.l << mov(eax, intConst(value));

class VarAccess extends Expr {
    DemoVar toRead;

    init(SrcPos pos, Str name, Scope scope) {
        init(pos) {
            toRead = if (x = scope.find(SimpleName(name)) as DemoVar) {
            } else {
                throw SyntaxError(pos, "Unknown variable: ${name}");

    void code(CodeGen to) : override {
        to.l << mov(eax, toRead.codeVar);

class FnCall extends Expr {
    private Expr[] params;
    private Function toCall;

    init(SrcPos pos, Str name, Expr[] params, Scope scope) {
        SimplePart part(name);
        for (x in params)

        SimpleName lookFor(part);

        init(pos) {
            params = params;
            toCall = if (x = scope.find(lookFor) as Function) {
                if (!Value(named{Int}).mayStore(x.result))
                    throw SyntaxError(pos, "Functions used in the demo language must return Int!");
            } else {
                throw SyntaxError(pos, "Unknown function: ${lookFor}");

    void code(CodeGen to) : override {
        Operand[] ops;
        for (x in params) {
            Var tmp = to.l.createIntVar(to.block);

            to.l << mov(tmp, eax);
            ops << tmp;

        CodeResult result(named{Int}, to.block);
        toCall.autoCall(to, ops, result);
        to.l << mov(eax, result.location(to));

class OpAdd extends Expr {
    private Expr lhs;
    private Expr rhs;

    init(SrcPos pos, Expr lhs, Expr rhs) {
        init(pos) {
            lhs = lhs;
            rhs = rhs;

    void code(CodeGen to) : override {
        Var tmp = to.l.createIntVar(to.block);
        to.l << mov(tmp, eax);
        to.l << add(eax, tmp);

class OpSub extends Expr {
    private Expr lhs;
    private Expr rhs;

    init(SrcPos pos, Expr lhs, Expr rhs) {
        init(pos) {
            lhs = lhs;
            rhs = rhs;

    void code(CodeGen to) : override {
        Var tmp = to.l.createIntVar(to.block);
        to.l << mov(tmp, eax);
        to.l << sub(eax, tmp);

class OpMul extends Expr {
    private Expr lhs;
    private Expr rhs;

    init(SrcPos pos, Expr lhs, Expr rhs) {
        init(pos) {
            lhs = lhs;
            rhs = rhs;

    void code(CodeGen to) : override {
        Var tmp = to.l.createIntVar(to.block);
        to.l << mov(tmp, eax);
        to.l << mul(eax, tmp);

class OpDiv extends Expr {
    private Expr lhs;
    private Expr rhs;

    init(SrcPos pos, Expr lhs, Expr rhs) {
        init(pos) {
            lhs = lhs;
            rhs = rhs;

    void code(CodeGen to) : override {
        Var tmp = to.l.createIntVar(to.block);
        to.l << mov(tmp, eax);
        to.l << idiv(eax, tmp);


void main() {
    print("f(1, 2) = ${f(1, 2)}");
    print("g(4, 2) = ${g(4, 2)}");
    print("h(10) = ${h(10)}");

Int bsfn(Int x, Int y) {
    print("In Basic Storm: ${x}, ${y}");
    x + y;


f() = (10 + 4) / 2
f(a, b) = a + b + 1
g(a, b) = f(a, a) * b
h(a) = bsfn(f(a, a), 5)