
Generators are a low-level construct in Basic Storm that allows dynamic generation of functions, types, or other things. A generator is a function that is called whenever Storm attempts to look up a name that does not yet exist. The generator then has the opportunity to generate a matching entity dynamically. It is thus possible to implement C++-style templates with generators.

A generator is associated with a name. However, unlike other entities in the name tree, a generator does not have a set of parameters associated with it. Instead, the generator gets access to the parameters that the system is looking for, and it has the chance to generate a suitable entity.

Note: The generators are implemented in the package: lang:bs:macro.

A simple generator that generates a function that adds two numbers in Basic Storm looks as follows:

use lang:bs:macro;

genAdd : generate(params) {
    if (params.count != 2)
        return null;

    if (params[0] != params[1])
        return null;

    Value t = params[0];

    BSTreeFn fn(t, SStr("genAdd"), params, ["a", "b"], null);

    Scope scope = rootScope.child(t.getType());

    FnBody body(fn, scope);

    Actual actual;
    actual.add(namedExpr(body, SStr("a"), Actual()));
    actual.add(namedExpr(body, SStr("b"), Actual()));

    body.add(namedExpr(body, SStr("+"), actual));

    return fn;

As can be seen from the example, a generator is a function that receives a single parameter (named params above). This parameter has the type Array<Value> and represents the params of the name part sought after. The function then validates that exactly two parameters were passed, and that they are the same. If not, null is returned to indicate that the parameter list was not applicable. Otherwise, a Named is generated (a function in this case) and returned.