
The Storm standard library contains basic functionality for measuring time. This API is currently aimed at measuring elapsed time, not to handle clocks, time zones, etc.

The functionality is provided by the two types core.Moment and core.Duration. The first, Moment represents a moment in time. The Moment is represented as a time-stamp based on some high-resolution clock in the system. A Duration is then the difference between two Moments, that is a measurement of how much time has elapsed between two points in time. Since the Moment has no defined anchor in time, it is usually not meaningful to speak about the absolute value of a a moment. They are only meaningful to create Durations.


As previously mentioned, a core.Moment represents some point in time as measured by a high-resolution clock in the current system. This clock is typically not related to wall-time clock in a meaningful way. This means that a Moment is good to measure time at a high precision, but it is not a good way to communicate points in time to others, as their clock may have a different zero-point.

The type is a value that contains a single Long that contains the value of the clock in microseconds. The variable is named v for value. When created, the Moment class captures the current time and stores it in itself. As such, the operation that is typically interesting for the Moment class is to create it, and to do arithmetics on it with Durations.

It is possible to subtract two Moments to create a Duration that represents the time elapsed between them. It is also possible to add a Duration to a Moment to create a new Moment that represents a time in the future. Similarly, Durations can be subtracted from Moments to represent a time in the past. It is also possible to compare Moments to establish their causual relation.


The value core.Duration represents a difference between two Moments expressed in microseconds. As with Moment, this value is stored in the member v (for value). It is, however, also accessible in different units using the one of the following functions:

Creating a Duration using its default constructor creates the duration of zero. To create other values, one of the helper functions h, min, s, ms, or us can be used. They create a Duration initialized to the specified timespan in the specified unit. Basic Storm also allows using these functions as units. As such, one can write:

Duration x = 5 min;
sleep(2 s);

As with Moment, the Duration class provides many arithmetic operators for addition and subtraction of durations. It is also possible to scale a duration with an Int or Float factor (with * and /), computing the ratio between two Durations using /, repeating a Duration using %, finding minimum and maximum values using min and max, and comparing them. All of these operators work as one would expect when representing a Duration as a number.

The library also provides the ability to sleep for a specified duration: