Function Calls

Function calls are written as <name>(<parameters>), similarly to many other languages. One difference to other languages is that the parentheses around the parameters are optional whenever no parameters are specified. In other words, the call x() and x are equivalent.

Perhaps the easiest way to explain the reason for this is to describe how Basic Storm treats function calls. Whenever an identifier is seen (e.g. foo, foo(), or foo(a, b)), it creates a NamePart with the identifier that was found. If any parameters were specified, the NamePart is filled with the types of the parameters as well. Basic Storm then looks up the name as described here. Finally, it inspects whatever named entity was returned by the lookup and acts accordingly. If the entity was a function, the function is called. If it was a variable, the value of the variable is returned, and if it is the name of a type, the constructor is called.

The fact that x and x() are the same is useful when implementing something that should look like a member variable. Perhaps, a read-only member variable. Furthermore, the existence of assign methods allows seamless migration from a member variable into a getter and a setter function. To illustrate this idea, consider the example below, where the variable value is public:

class MyClass {
    Int value;

void useClass() {
    MyClass v;

Consider that you later on might want to make value into a private member that is accessed by a getter and a setter. This can be achieved like this to avoid changing all usages of the value:

class MyClass {
    private Int myValue;

    Int value() { myValue; }

    assign value(Int newValue) { myValue = newValue; }

void useClass() {
    MyClass v;

Furthermore, as described here, Basic Storm implements a custom name lookup to make the expressions fn(x) and x.fn() behave almost equivalent. As such, this allows extending the percieved interface of types from other packages. To illustrate this, consider the example below:

class MyClass {
    Int data;

    // Function that is a part of the original interface.
    void a() {
        print("original: ${data}");

// Function in another package that extends the interface of MyClass.
void b(MyClass this) {
    print("extension: ${data}");

// Function using the class, in yet another package.
void useClass() {
    MyClass x;
    // Note how it appears as if both 'a' and 'b' are members
    // of MyClass here:

Note that it is possible to name parameters this in free functions. This makes it possible to access members of the type of that parameter as if the function was a member function. Of course, this does not allow access to any private members.

While fn(x) and x.fn() are generally equivalent, there is a subtle difference in their behavior when there are multiple possible alternatives available. This is illustrated below:

class MyClass {
    void fn() {

void fn(MyClass x) {
    print("free function");

void main() {
    MyClass c;
    c.fn(); // prints "member"
    fn(c); // prints "free function"


Storm and Basic Storm is aware of threads in the system, and ensures that functions that need to execute on a particular thread are executed on that thread. As such, when a member of an actor is called, or when a function that is marked with on T is called, Basic Storm sends a message to the appropriate thread rather than calling the function directly. This is often transparent to the programmer. But since sending a message means that parameters are copied, it is visible in some situations.

To behave in a predictable manner, Basic Storm determines statically when it is necessary to send a message rather than calling the function directly. As such, a message is sent when:

There is one exception to the two rules above: calls through the function pointer interface. Since the function pointer interface does not know the static properties of the call site, it determines dynamically whether or not to send a message.

As mentioned, this is visible in certain situations since classes appear to have by-value semantics. We can illustrate this by passing a class as a parameter to a function declared to run on a thread, and compare the behavior of calling it from the same thread and from a different thread:

class MyClass {
    Int x;

MyClass other(MyClass x) on Compiler {
    x.x = 20;

void sameThread() on Compiler {
    MyClass original;

    // Note: no message, same thread.
    MyClass returned = other(local);
    // Changes are visible as expected:
    print(original.x.toS); // => 20
    // The same object is returned:
    print(original is returned); // => true

void noThread() {
    MyClass original;

    // Note: the call to 'other' causes a message to be sent.
    MyClass returned = other(local);
    // Since 'original' was copied, we won't se changes here:
    print(original.x.toS); // => 0
    // Also, 'returned' is a copy, so the objects are not the same:
    print(original is returned); // => false
    // But we get the changes in our returned copy.
    print(returned.x.toS); // => 20

The function sameThread is declared to run on Compiler, just like other. As such, the function call behaves as usual. The modifications to the class parameter are visible outside of the function, and the identity of the returned object is the same.

However, when we call other from noThread, which is declared to run on any thread, the semantics differ. Since Basic Storm does not statically know what thread noThread will be executed on, it will always send a message when calling other (i.e. even if noThread was called from the Compiler thread). This means that non-actor parameters to other are copied, and therefore changes to the variable original are not visible in noThread. Furthermore, the returned object is a copy, so returned is not the same object as original in this case.

Asynchronous Calls

Whenever Basic Storm needs to send a message to another thread, the default behavior is to wait for the the other thread to complete execution of the function. It is, however, possible to continue execution in the original thread in parallel, and optionally wait for the result later.

This is achieved by using the keyword spawn before a function call. The spawn keyword makes two changes to the default behavior. First, it always sends a message instead of calling the function, even if the function could be called directly in the current context (except that parameters are not copied if it is known to be spawned on the same thread). Secondly, it causes the expression to evaluate to Future<T> instead of T. The Future object has a member result that can be called to wait for, and acquire the result. It is also possible to call detach to discard the result entirely.

As such, concurrent execution can be achieved as follows:

void fn(Str title) {
    for (Nat i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        print("${title}: ${i,2}");
        sleep(1 s);

void main() {
    Future<void> a = spawn fn("A");
    Future<void> b = spawn fn("B");

    // Wait for both to terminate:

The code above does not execute in parallel since Storm utilizes cooperative scheduling for each OS thread. This means that without the call to sleep, the two calls to fn may execute one after the other. In this case, the call to print requires sending a message to the Compiler thread, which yields the current thread without sleep, however.

This potential issue can be addressed by running the threads on different OS threads. This can be achieved either by creating an actor that contains fn, and specify the thread to be determined at runtime:

class FnActor on ? {
    init(Thread) {
        init() {}

    void fn(Str title) {
        for (Nat i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            print("${title}: ${i,2}");
            sleep(1 s);

void main() {
    FnActor a = FnActor(Thread());
    FnActor b = FnActor(Thread());

    Future<void> fa = spawn a.fn("A");
    Future<void> fb = spawn b.fn("B");

    // Wait for both to terminate:

It is also possible to provide a parameter to spawn to specify which thread to execute the function on. This can only be done for functions that are not a part of an actor, and that have not otherwise been marked to run on a particular thread:

void fn(Str title) {
    for (Nat i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        print("${title}: ${i,2}");
        sleep(1 s);

void main() {
    Thread a;
    Thread b;

    Future<void> fa = spawn(a) fn("A");
    Future<void> fb = spawn(b) fn("B");

    // Wait for both to terminate: