Repeat Syntax Using the Intermediate Language

This page assumes that you have followed the setup for the syntax extension guide already, so that you have somewhere to work. This page describes how to re-implement the repeat syntax using the Intermediate Language. Since the grammar is identical, we will not modify it here. If you have not already implemented the repeat grammar, copy it from the previous part. Also make sure you have added the example code to the file as well, as we will use it for testing purposes throughout this page.

The main reason why we might wish to generate code in the Intermediate Language directly, rather than relying on Basic Storm, is to give Basic Storm entirely new capabilities with constructs that are not expressible in Basic Storm already. Apart from that, some type of operations are actually simpler or more efficient to implement in the Intermediate Language directly, rather than relying on Basic Storm.

To generate code in the Intermediate Language, we need to create a new AST node that we can embed into the Basic Storm AST. We can do this by simply creating a new class that inherits from Since we are implementing a repeat statement, we call it RepeatStmt. You can either replace the code in with this code, or create a new file to store it in.

use lang:bs;

class RepeatStmt extends Expr {}

From the previous implementation we already know that we will need to store two expressions. One for the number of times the body shall be repeated, and another that contains the actual body to be executed. It turns out that each Expr also contains a SrcPos object that stores the source location of the node, so we must accept a SrcPos parameter to the constructor as well:

use lang:bs;
use lang:bs:macro;
use core:lang;
use core:asm;

class RepeatStmt extends Expr {
    private Expr times;
    private Expr body;

    init(SrcPos pos, Expr times, Expr body) {
        init(pos) {
            times = times;
            body = body;

To use our new class, we must also update our grammar so that it uses the class. At this time, we can simply replace repeatStmt(block, times, body) with RepeatStmt(pos, times, body):

SStmt => RepeatStmt(pos, times, body) :
  "repeat" #keyword, "(", SExpr(block) times, ")", SStmt(block) body;

At this point it should be possible to run the program without issues (storm .). Again, this is because the default implementation of Expr happens to do the right thing for the program to not crash. However, we can see that the body of the repeat statement is not executed as we would expect.

To fix this issue, we need to actually generate some code. This is achieved by overriding the code method in the Expr class. The code function receives two parameters. The first is a core.lang.CodeGen that contains the current state of the code generation, and the second is a core.lang.CodeResult that is used to communicate where the result of the expression is stored. Since our repeat block does not return anything, we can simply ignore the CodeResult parameter for now. The CodeGen object is, however, more interesting. This object contains three data members:

In our class, we can define the function like this:

class RepeatStmt extends Expr {
    // ...
    void code(CodeGen gen, CodeResult result) : override {
        // ...
    // ...

Now that we have some idea of the situation, we can start thinking about what code we want to generate. A general strategy when generating intermediate code for higher-level statements is to think of other parts of the code as placeholders and create a small skeleton that surrounds the placeholders in a sensible way. In this particular case, we have the expression that determines how many times the loop should be executed and the body of the loop. We call them <times> and <body> respectively. Using them, we can implement the repeat syntax like below:

    # ...

    # store the result of <times> in <counter>
    cmp <counter>, 0
    jmp loopEnd, ifEqual

    # execute <body>

    sub <counter>, 1
    jmp loopStart
    # ...

In the code above,<counter> is a temporary variable we need to create, and loopStart and loopEnd are two labels. With this information, we "only" need to implement code that generates the code we wrote above. We can do this line-by-line, and examine the result after each step by simply printing the CodeGen variable. Note that this will also show any code generated by statements before our repeat block. So if we simply add print(gen.toS); to the empty code function, we get output similar to this, even if we have not yet produced any new code:

Running on: any
Current block: Block1
Block 0 {
    Block 1 {
Dirty registers: 
                     | prolog
                     | location /home/filip/Projects/storm/extension/
                     | begin Block1

The firsst line, "Running on:" prints the current value of the runOn member. It shows any since the function main may run on any thread in the system. The second line, "Current block:", reflects the value of block. It is currently Block1 to indicate that new variables should be added to block 1.

The next few lines illustrate all blocks (and all variables) currently emitted. At the moment, there are two blocks: block 0 (the root block), that contains another block (block 1). No variables are created yet. After the block table is the line "Dirty registers:". It will display all registers that are used in the listing, but since we do not yet use any registers, it is empty. When generating code, it is usually safe to ignore this line, as it is mostly useful when creating backends, or when modifying the code.

Finally, there are three lines that starts with pipes (|). These lines each represent a single instruction in the intermediate language. The space to the left of the pipe character will be used to show all registers that contain useful data. Again, this information is mostly useful when analyzing the code, and can usually be ignored when simply generating code.

The first instruction is the prolog instruction that sets up the call stack and performs other housekeeping tasks. The second is a location instruction that simply contains metadata about the code being executed. The third, begin, indicates that block 1 should start, and that all variables in that block should be accessible.

Now that we know what we have to work with, we can start producing new code. The first thing we need to do is to create a variable counter. We can do this by calling the createVar function as follows.

VarInfo counter = gen.createVar(named{Nat});

This function simply creates a variable in the current block and gives us information about it inside the VarInfo structure. Most importantly, the VarInfo contains the member v that contains the core.asm.Var that is used in the intermediate language. The VarInfo type stores some additional metadata that is required for initialization of complex types to work correctly. We can, however, ignore that for now.

Now that we have created a counter variable, we can ask times to generate code that stores the result in our variable. As with the code function we are currently implementing, the code function of times requires two parameters: a CodeGen instance, and a CodeResult instance. For the CodeGen instance, we can simply forward the one we received, as we want times to place its generated code there. We do, however, need to create a new CodeResult for the second parameter to instruct times to place the result in the variable we just created. Luckily there is a constructor that does exactly that:

times.code(gen, CodeResult(named{Nat}, counter));

If we print the CodeGen after the added lines, we will now see an output similar to this:

Running on: any
Current block: Block1
Block 0 {
    Block 1 {
          0: size 04(04) free never using <none>
Dirty registers: 
                     | prolog
                     | location /home/storm/extension/
                     | begin Block1
                     | mov i[Var0], i5

We can see that our created variable is present inside block 1 (the line "0: size 04(04)..."), and that a new mov instruction has been added to the listing that loads the value 5 into our variable, Var0.

The next step is to emit the label loopStart. Since it does not exist yet, we must first create it by calling gen.l.label(). We can then append it to the listing using the << operator:

Label loopStart = gen.l.label();
gen.l << loopStart;

After adding the label, we can add the cmp and the jmp instructions in the same way. The jmp instruction needs to refer to the label loopEnd, so we have to create that as well. Note that we do not add it to the listing yet, since we want it to point to a later position in the code.

Label loopEnd = gen.l.label();
gen.l << cmp(counter.v, natConst(0));
gen.l << jmp(loopEnd, CondFlag:ifEqual);

The natConst function is used to "convert" a regular number into an Operand that can be used in the intermediate language. This conversion is explicit since the intermediate language needs to know the size of the literal values. Here we state that explicitly since we call natConst as opposed to wordConst or ptrConst.

If we run the program now, we can verify that we emitted the code we wanted:

Running on: any
Current block: Block1
Block 0 {
    Block 1 {
          0: size 04(04) free never using <none>
Dirty registers: 
                     | prolog
                     | location /home/storm/extension/
                     | begin Block1
                     | mov i[Var0], i5
                     | cmp i[Var0], i0
                     | jmp pLabel2, equal

Here, we can see that the label loopStart got the index 1 in the listing, and loopEnd got the index 2. However, we have not yet defined where label 2 should point to, so if we pass 0 to the repeat statement now, it will likely crash the system.

The next step is to emit the body of the loop. Again, we can do this by calling the code member of body. Since we do not worry about the result of body, we do not have to create any variables to store the result in. We can simply tell it that we are not interested in the variable by passing a default-constructed CodeResult object:

body.code(gen, CodeResult());

If we run the program at this point, we will see a single Hello being printed, which is promising. If we print the CodeGen object again, we can see that the print statement generated quite a bit of code. This is because the print function is bound to the Compiler thread, and Storm must therefore generate code to send a message to the Compiler thread. If you mark the main function to run on the Compiler thread, you will see that much less code is generated.

Now, we only need to generate the end of the loop that decrements the counter and jumps back to the start of the loop:

gen.l << sub(counter.v, natConst(1));
gen.l << jmp(loopStart);
gen.l << loopEnd;

With this, we have emitted all code required for our repeat syntax. You can verify the code by printing it and running it. Note, however, that the loopEnd variable will not be visible until another instruction is added to the listing. If you wish to verify, you can add a nop instruction (gen.l << nop).