Function Return

As mentioned previously, a function automatically returns whatever value the topmost block evaluates to. As such, it is possible to omit the return statement from a function:

Str makeGreeting(Str name) {
    StrBuf out; // Use a string buffer:
    out << "Hello ";
    out << name;
    out << "!";
    out.toS; // implicitly returned

This does, however, mean that instead of an error stating that a return statement is forgotten, the error states that the types were incompatible. For example, if the last line in the makeGreeting function above is omitted, a type error is returned since the last expression (out << "!") evaluates to a StrBuf object.

It is also possible to use the return keyword to exit the execution of a function early. The syntax resembles that of C++ and Java:

Str makeGreeting(Str name) {
    if (name.empty)
        return "Hello there!";

    StrBuf out; // Use a string buffer:
    out << "Hello ";
    out << name;
    out << "!";
    out.toS; // implicitly returned

For void functions, the expression after return can simply be omitted.