
All exceptions in Storm inherit from the class core.Exception, which is a class-type. The core.Exception-class is abstract, and expects derived classes to override the message(StrBuf) function, which is to provide a custom message for the exception when printed.

Exceptions do not record a stack trace by default since this is a fairly expensive operation. The core.Exception class contains a saveTrace function that records a stack trace into the exception that will be printed by the default toS implementation. Many of the built-in exceptions in Storm represent events that are fatal. They are therefore expected to occur rarely, and therefore they collect the stack trace by default. Therefore, classes inheriting from these classes do not need to call saveTrace again.

The class core.Exception separates its string representation from the message in the exception. Calling toS on an exception will include the message and the stack trace if it was captured. It is also possible to call message to only retrieve the message. As with toS, subclasses are expected to override the message(StrBuf) function to generate the message.

Storm defines the following generic exception classes: