Language Extension for Basic Storm

The SQL library also contains a language extension that is usable in Basic Storm. It allows writing SQL statements directly in Basic Storm. The language extension only supports a subset of the full range of SQL queries. On the other hand, since the language extension understands SQL, it is able to bridge some differences between different database engines.

In addition to providing a convenient API, the language extension is also able to type-check queries given that a declaration of the tables in the database is available. This declaration can also be used to perform limited automatic database migrations.

Data Types

To allow maximum portability, the language extension currently only supports the following data types:

These data types may optionally be suffixed by a size (e.g. TEXT(10)) to specify their size.

Column Declarations

The database library differs a bit from SQL in how column declarations behave. This is partially to match what users of Basic Storm would expect, and partially to bridge differences between different databases.

First and foremost, columns are NOT NULL by default. Instead, columns that may be null are explicitly marked as ALLOW NULL. Secondly, primary keys are automatically incremented automatically. This behavior is in line with SQLite, that binds the primary key to a rowid-field that is automatically generated. However, it might be relevant to specify AUTOINCREMENT explicitly if the application requires that the primary keys need to be monotonically increasing (this is not guaranteed otherwise, since AUTOINCREMENT is not used on SQLite unless explicitly specified).

As such, the following modifiers are supported:

It is also possible to specify multiple columns as a primary key by using PRIMARY KEY(a, b).

Query Syntax

The extension makes SQL queries usable as expressions in Basic Storm. Since there may be multiple database connections active at any one time, it is, however, necessary to specify which database connection to use. This can be done in one of two ways:

The following queries are supported by the extension:

Note that it is possible to use Basic Storm variables anywhere an SQL expression is expected (names of tables and columns can, however, not be parameterized). The language extension takes care to use prepared statements in these cases, so that SQL injections are not possible. It is also possible to embed arbitrary Basic Storm expressions using ${<expr>}, either to disambiguate variable names, or to pre-compute values.

In addition to the standard queries mentioned above, the language extension provides a few additional constructs for convenience:

To illustrate how it can be used, consider the following example:

use sql;

void main() {
    SQLite db(); // Create an in-memory database.

    // Create a table to work with.

    // We don't want to specify WITH db every time, so we use a block:
    WITH db {
        // Insert some data.
        Str value = "test2";
        INSERT INTO test VALUES (1, "test");
        INSERT INTO test VALUES (2, value);

        // Inspect the data:
        for (row in SELECT * FROM test WHERE id < 1) {

Typesafe Queries

If a table declaration is provided, it is possible to create a typed connection that the database library can use to type-check SQL queries. As we shall see, this also makes it more convenient to extract data from SQL queries.

A database declaration is declared at top-level in a file. It consists of a number of table- and index declarations:

use sql;

    TABLE person(
        name TEXT

    TABLE pet(
        name TEXT,
        owner INTEGER

    INDEX ON pet(owner);

This declares a database with two tables, persons and pet, and an index on the owner column of pet. In Basic Storm, the database PetDB will appear as a type that represents the typed connection. This typed connection can be used instead of a DBConnection when using the language extension. It can be created as follows:

SQLite untyped();     // Regular, untyped connection to an in-memory database.
PetDB typed(untyped); // Create a typed version that uses the untyped connection.

When the typed connection is created, it will inspect the current state of the database (using tables and schema) and verifies that the database contains the expected tables and indices. If this is not the case, it automatically creates any missing tables, and attempts to automatically migrate any existing tables. The extent of the automatic migrations are, however, quite limited so to not accidentally destroy data. For example, the migration will happily create new tables, modify column attributes, and insert new columns that may either be null, or that have default values. It will, however, not attempt to remove columns as that may cause data loss.

Due to the automatic migration above, it is not possible to use CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE, or CREATE INDEX, on a typed connection as that would violate the assumptions made by the library.

The type safety does, however, mean that the library can typecheck queries, and provide convenient access to elements. For example, consider the following function that inserts elements in the database:

use sql;

void insert(PetDB typed) {
    // The library knows that this is fine, since `id` is autoincrement.
    WITH typed: INSERT INTO person(name) VALUES ("Filip");

    // This is, however, not allowed since the types do not match:
    WITH typed: INSERT INTO person(name) VALUES (10);

Similarly, for select statements, the library generates custom types that represent the result rows:

use sql;

Str? findPerson(PetDB typed, Nat personId) {
    if (row = WITH typed: SELECT ONE name FROM person WHERE id == personId) {
        // Note: We access the column by name here:
    } else {
        return null;

This also works with joins. For example, to retrieve all pets for a particular person, one can do:

use sql;

// Note: Using "name" here is not ideal since it might not be unique,
// but it illustrates how joins work:
Array<Str> findPets(PetDB typed, Str name) {
    Array<Str> out;
    var result = WITH typed: SELECT * FROM person
        JOIN pet ON pet.owner ==
        WHERE == name;
    for (row in result) {
        // Again, note that we access columns by name.
        out <<;

A few final remarks on named access to columns: